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Typically, when an animal is incredibly fluffy, it might mean that they are scared or angry with you. That is not really the case with dogs. They’re usually fluffy because of genetics and breeding. Many breeds have a ton of soft fur that is just perfect for petting and snuggling against. A lot of people favor certain dog breeds simply for their luxurious coats. It is hard not to love a furry, adorable dog. Let’s meet 37 of the fluffiest, cutest canines you’ll ever see.
Why We Like Fluffy Dog Breeds
Fuzzy dogs are wonderful to hold and hug, and they look amazing. Some even look like teddy bears and are super warm and cuddly. Given that there are so many breeds with a wealth of fuzz, though, they all have varying grooming requirements. Keeping their coats in good shape is absolutely essential to their health, so potential fluffy dog owners should be sure they’re up to the challenge.
Another advantageous reason to keep a fluffy dog is that many of them are hypoallergenic. Many dog lovers suffer from awful allergies that prevent them from enjoying the company of their very own furry friend. Thankfully, there are plenty of fluffy dogs who don’t shed much. This makes keeping the house clean easier too.
A pup’s coat type and color depends on genetic, and how fluffy a pet is depends on breed. Mixed breeds are unpredictable, some look just like their parents, others take after on parent.
Since there are so many awesome, fluffy dog breeds out there, you’re sure to find one with the personality and energy requirements to suit your life perfectly. We’ve compiled this list of 37 fluffy dog breeds with soft hearts to match their soft fur. Keep reading. You may just find the one perfect for you.
Small Fluffy Dog Breeds

Looking for a small, fluffy dog to bring cheer into your life? You certainly have the luxury of choice. There are plenty of small breeds with no shortage of fuzz. Many of these dogs were bred to be companion animals, and their greatest happiness is to be around their beloved humans. True enough, many breeds on this list are the same way. Living in small homes is no trouble for these breeds. Your tiny, fuzzy friend is sure to make any dwelling feel like a palace. Let’s take a closer look at these pint-sized pups to see what they can offer you and your home.
Bichon Frisé
The first dog on our list is the iconic Bichon Frise, with their beautiful, curly, cloud-like fur. The Bichon Frise is a little ball of fluff with a big personality to match. They have incredible, sparkling personalities that endear them to everyone they meet. Expect this breed to want to be the center of attention. They love being loved and always do their best to show they reciprocate. Similarly, Bichons become very upset when left alone for too long, as they are prone to separation anxiety. They are highly intelligent, and their love for praise makes it easy to train them. Bichons are lovely family pets who will get along with children and other pets.
Bichons have a double coat that requires brushing a few times a week, especially before being bathed. Brushing them before they get wet helps to prevent tangles. Bathing them is essential to preserve the whiteness of their fur. These dogs get quite dirty very quickly.
A dog looking remarkably close to the Bichon Frise is the Bolognese. It is hard for the untrained eye to tell them apart. For all their similarities in appearance, their personalities are quite different. Bolognese are more docile than the Bichon, meaning these pups are better suited to families who can match their energy. Bolos much prefer being around older children than younger ones and are not tolerant of mischief. When the Bolognese have been socialized, they easily come out of their shell. Overall, Bolos are wonderful companions for homes with a gentle atmosphere.
The Bolognese will need daily brushing, which is the best way to prevent matting and tangles. Expect to bathe your Bolo anytime they play in the dirt, as it shows pretty clearly on their white fur. They will also need their eyes cleaned to prevent tear staining.
Chinese Crested Powderpuff
The Powderpuff variety of Chinese Crested dogs is less popular than the hairless version, so you won’t see them around as often. However, they are undoubtedly beautifully unique dogs with a lot of downy-soft fur. They are usually attached to their owners and shadow them wherever they go. They make excellent family pets and will dislike being left alone, even for short periods of time. Do not take this breed’s love for granted. Chinese Cresteds are extremely sensitive and will need you to respect and love them wholeheartedly.
The Chinese Crested Powderpuff has a double coat that their owners must work to groom each day. Try to spray their coat with a conditioning mist to help prevent tangles and breakage. Weekly baths are suitable for keeping this dog’s coat clean, shiny, and smelling wonderful. Despite the enormous amount of fluff they have on them, they’re still susceptible to getting cold and will need a sweater in the winter.
Chinese Imperial
The Chinese Imperial is a super tiny dog with an average weight of just 5.5 pounds. It is not difficult to imagine that most of this weight comes from their silky, beautiful coats. It’s hard to tell where the fluff ends and the dog begins. The breed is immensely fun-loving and outgoing, with remarkable emotional intelligence that allows them to empathize with their humans.
These fuzzy little dogs are also pretty mischievous. They may grow up to be stubborn if you are not careful with their training. Be kind and gentle but firm in your leadership, as this helps them learn how to behave. Chinese Imperial Dogs will need you to brush their luxurious coat daily, as it’s a double coat prone to tangling. Keeping the coat long is only recommended in cold climates. Warmer weather makes them overheat quickly. Trimming their coat will not make them unfluffy but makes maintenance much more manageable.
Coton de Tulear
Coton de Tulear dogs are another small dog born to be the perfect family companion. These charming balls of fluff very much adore their family. While they prefer being around humans, they have no trouble getting along with other pets. Having other pets is a fantastic way to help curb their loneliness, as they can develop terrible separation anxiety. Be sure that if you have young children in the home, you teach them to treat this dog respectfully. Their feelings are easily hurt when made fun of, so they must be handled with care.
The Coton de Tulear has a thick, straight coat that is very fluffy and beautiful. This breed can come in either white, gray, or red. The bathing frequency will depend on their color, with lighter-colored dogs needing baths more often. They must be combed with a metal pin comb to prevent tangles in their fur, at least once weekly.
Havanese pups are incredibly easygoing and will adjust to almost any environment. The Havanese is known to be a dog who is both adaptable and full of fun. These agreeable dogs are happy to live pretty much anywhere as long as they can get enough attention from their family. They’re relatively low energy and aren’t very demanding of exercise. This makes them a desirable choice for families who are more relaxed or for people who may not be able to leave home often. Havanese are very smart dogs and want to assert their intelligence over their owners during training. Try not to give in to their stubbornness, as this will do nothing but perpetuate naughty behavior.
Havanese have a lot of different possibilities for coat colors. Their fur is soft, with gentle waves, and grows both an undercoat and outer coat. This makes them very beautiful dogs, but you will need to brush them every day to keep their fur free from tangles. They need baths to feel comfortable, so try to give them a washing at least once a week.
Japanese Chin
The Japanese Chin is known to be pretty stubborn but makes up for it with their charming, fun personality. A Japanese Chin carries a lot of regality in their tiny body. Chins are quite dignified but still good-humored. They love making their family smile and often act cute or funny to coax a laugh. Chins are sweet and affectionate and will get along well with anyone who plays nice with them. Training may be difficult, though, as they are pretty independent and stubborn. You’ll need to train them as early as possible and give them lots of positive reinforcement. They are sometimes called cat-like, thanks to their tendency to climb high places for a better view.
Chins have a gorgeous, silky coat that is impossibly soft. They will need weekly brushing to help prevent matting. However, they will not need to be bathed very often. Chins are neat dogs who often clean themselves– the cat-like nature at work. You can wash them when they get stinky or visibly dirty, but they won’t need regular bathing.
Lhasa Apso
The Lhasa Apsos may be small and beautiful, but that will not stop them from being quick to defend their loved ones in the face of danger. Lhasa Apsos are interesting dogs with gorgeous fur. The magnificent fur explains itself. It forms a heavy coat that is elegant and straight. It also comes in a wide array of colors. They are interesting dogs because they are pretty comical companions but will quickly forget how small they really are in the face of danger. They are highly protective and will need proper training to help them calm down when they are feeling wary. The Lhasa Apso is best suited for families with older children, as they’re more likely to treat the Lhasa Apso respectfully.
This dog has a beautiful coat, but it will take a lot of maintenance. You will need to brush their thick coat in layers to keep their straight fur neat and tidy. Invest in a detangling spray to help condition the hair as you brush. Keeping the coat shorter makes it much easier to maintain. As for bathing, you can expect this breed to need weekly baths, though they can likely go without them for longer if they’re not dirty or stinky.
Long-Haired Chihuahua
The Chihuahua is known to be the smallest dog breed in the world. However, their petite size will not stop them from showing you who’s boss. The teeny-tiny Chihuahua does not really cross many people’s minds when they think of fluffy dog breeds, but they often forget (or simply don’t know) that there are long-haired Chihuahuas. Being the smallest breed of dog in the world, the Chihuahua has a surprisingly large personality.
Chis are not very tolerant of mischief from children and other pets and will be happiest as the only pet or one among other Chihuahuas. Still, Chis are incredibly loving when they have bonded with their pet parent, though they play favorites in the family. Not everyone is afforded the same affection. You will need to train the Chihuahua to behave in order to create harmony with them in your home. Start their training in puppyhood, and be sure to give lots of praise and positive reinforcement. They should catch on pretty quickly.
It is recommended to hire a groomer to trim your long-haired Chihuahua’s fur into a neat style if you like them looking tidy. However, many look perfectly adorable with just their natural growth. There are many different haircuts you can give your Chihuahua, so see which one suits their appearance, personality, as well as climate. Brush out their fur gently once a week, and they will have shiny coats that are the envy of all.
The Maltese are famous for their fluffy white coats and adorable, loving personalities. Maltese are an excellent pick for fun-loving families looking for a playful pooch to spoil. This breed is famous for their fluffy, white coats and bright personalities– often too big for their bodies. Maltese is intelligent, wacky, and undoubtedly entertainers. These pups will need an audience for their antics and will look to you for it. Their outgoing nature makes them a perfect fit for families of assorted sizes, though you must teach your kids to treat them kindly. Training this dog comes easy if given enough positive reinforcement, so take care to shower them with praise whenever possible.
This fluffy puppy will need daily brushing to keep their coats soft and looking their best. It’s best to get them used to grooming from an early age to prevent them from getting fussy about it later in life. Brushing out their fur before bathing is absolutely necessary to prevent matting, though they’ll only need a bath once a week or so– unless they get dirt all over their pristine fur.
The Papillon is very adaptable and loves to be out and about with his people. This dog’s name comes from the French word for “butterfly,” alluding to their adorable butterfly wing ears. The tiny breed has been around for over 500 years, originally bred as a lap dog. They proved to be particularly good at their jobs, so they are still a popular choice for a pampered companion even today.
They’re very portable dogs, easily placed in a carrier and brought about town. Papillons are highly adaptable dogs who are okay being anywhere as long as you are there with them. They will require your love and attention at all times as they develop awful separation anxiety. They are intelligent and easy to train, with natural athleticism that makes them an excellent choice for agility and obedience trials.
The Papillon is fluffy, though their fur is relatively sparse. You will still need to brush them daily, though you can usually separate tangles by gently pulling them apart with your fingers. Take note that they shed seasonally, so they might not be the best choice for allergy sufferers. Papillons tend not to be too stinky, so you do not need to bathe them more than twice a month unless they get dirty.
The Pekingese are bold and fearless. Therefore they need to start training early on to stay calm in uncertain situations. The Pekingese is a funny dog with a lot of fur and even more courage. It’s surprising to see the amount of confidence they have, given their minuscule size. This boldness can get them in trouble when they charge headfirst into danger for fear of danger coming to their family.
It is crucial to train them to stay calm when there’s someone new around, though their vocal nature will make them good watchdogs. The Pekingese do best with a steady routine to help curb their stubborn, independent nature. They are not very active and would much prefer to be given affection all day long by their family than go outside to play.
Pekingese need thorough brushing every day to keep their dense coats looking beautiful. Wetting their fur with water or detangling spray before brushing makes the task much more pleasant. Take care to teach your Pekingese to enjoy their grooming. Their irritability may cause them to snap when they lose patience. They do not get dirty easily, so you can get away with bathing your Pekingese twice a month.
The Pomeranian loves to spend time with their humans and is known to be quite feisty when defending them. Pomeranians are dogs with an outgoing temperament and genuine love for life. They will want nothing more than to make friends, enjoying time spent with their human family and animal siblings. Their feisty nature can often make them forget their size, so you should supervise their interactions with larger animals, dogs especially. Poms are an excellent watchdog choice as they are vocal and alert, though you must train them to bark only when appropriate.
Poms are sensitive and will need a lot of praise and affection to thrive, though they get comfy and feel at home pretty much anywhere they feel loved. Even the smallest apartment will feel like a grand estate to this fluffy pup.
Pomeranians need daily brushing from the skin upwards to remove tangles and loose fur. This also helps distribute their fur’s natural oils, keeping it nice and shiny. They enjoy positive attention and will like warm, pleasant baths where they can be cooed at as they get clean. They won’t need these baths often, just when their coats get soiled.
Poodles are famous for their beautiful, soft, fluffy coats, but they are also the lowest shedder making them perfect for someone who suffers from allergies. Poodles are the quintessential fluffy dog breed, famed for their remarkably soft, curly fur that barely sheds. They are a godsend for dog lovers who suffer from allergies, and there are many things to love about their personalities, too. For starters, Poodles are the second-most intelligent dog in the world. They’re also incredibly social and will love to show off how pretty they look to everyone they meet.
Poodles might need some time to train, as their intelligence can make them overconfident in themselves. They thrive on lots of attention and affection, so do not hesitate to give it to them. They make fast friends in the home with other pets, though they may dislike the mischief typical in younger kids.
Poodles have coats that come in a wide array of colors, though they’re always going to be quite curly. They need daily brushing as part of their routine, as their fur can easily get matted. It’s best to entrust your Poodle’s grooming to a professional in order to give their coat the proper care it needs– plus the iconic Poodle cut. Bathing frequency depends on how quickly they get visibly dirty, though it is best to get it done when they go in for their regular grooming.
Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka
The Bolonka has a beautiful dark silky coat and is also on the list for being one of the lowest shedders. The Bolonka is a sweet, gentle dog who has no trouble getting along with everyone. They are very even-tempered, with little possibility for aggression when trained well. Bolonki love being pampered and will feel most content napping on their pet parent’s lap. When properly socialized, these pups are incredibly affectionate towards pretty much everyone. True enough, the Bolonka will thrive in almost any kind of family setup, but small children must learn how to handle them with care.
A Bolonki has long, wavy coats that require daily brushing to stay tidy. Their fur can easily get tangled. You can make their grooming easier with a detangling comb, spray, and deshedding brush. The Bolonka does not shed, making them a good choice for people with allergies. However, you will need to bathe this dog regularly to keep them looking fresh. Look into regular trimming for their coat, as this will help in keeping tangles at bay.
Shih Tzu
The Shih Tzu comes from royalty, and their grooming attention fits that royal lifestyle. They will need daily upkeep to keep these coats silky and tangle free. Shih Tzus have been beloved for centuries for their small stature, soft coats, and adorable personalities. They are fairly well-behaved and will be happy in the presence of their family. Their natural alertness is useful for letting the household know when there may be something amiss. However, owners should take care to train them to be vocal only when appropriate.
Shih Tzus are comical, affectionate, and friendly, which makes them lovable companions for many different kinds of families. Take care that they are not mishandled, as their small size makes them prone to injury. When they feel safe, loved, and cared for, Shih Tzus will be happy living anywhere, from the smallest apartment to a grand palace.
Shih Tzus have long, straight-to-wavy coats that require a lot of care to keep neat. Your Shih Tzu needs baths at least weekly to prevent them from getting smelly, as well as to keep their coat healthy. They need daily brushing, with more done around their second year of life, when they shed their juvenile coat. After this point, they should be fairly hypoallergenic.
Tibetan Terrier
Tibetan Terriers are very smart and stubborn, but their loyalty and loving personalities definitely make up for that. This breed makes an adorable companion for smaller families or even larger ones who can tend to their socialization well. They tend to be a bit reserved and will definitely develop separation anxiety when not around their trusted humans. However, bringing them out of their shell doesn’t take much effort. Once you do, you’ll have difficulty finding a more loyal, sweet, and gentle dog.
Tibetan Terriers are quite intelligent but may be stubborn during training. Ensure you train them as soon as possible, and use lots of positive reinforcement to encourage them. TTs are sensitive little pups but take well to praise and treats. Daily exercise is needed for this dog. If their exercise needs are fulfilled, they’ll have no trouble living in an apartment.
Tibetan Terriers have long, wavy, dense coats. They need daily brushing to keep their fur in good shape. However, their fur texture can be brittle. Ensure you mist it with either water or a detangling spray before brushing to prevent breakage. Depending on your Tibetan Terrier’s activity levels, they’ll need either one bath a week or as little as one bath every month.
Yorkshire Terrier
Yorkshire Terriers are one of the most popular small dog breeds. Their coat comes in a variety of colors and will need daily care. Yorkshire Terriers, or Yorkies, are among the most popular small dogs, with their fiery personalities and silky coats. They are tiny enough to fit perfectly on your lap, but their high spirits and need for fun make them the perfect afternoon adventure buddy.
Yorkies are happy being walked on a leash or taking a ride in their owner’s bag as long as they can see and interact with the outside world. They are outgoing dogs with little tolerance for disrespect. Teach your children and visitors to be gentle with them. They can be a little domineering, so you should teach them from early on that you are their pack leader. When behaved, they make wonderfully kindhearted, adoring dogs perfectly happy to live anywhere with you.
The Yorkshire Terrier’s beautiful coat is instantly recognizable. They’re often mostly fawn-colored with either blue, black, or silver. Their long, straight fur must be brushed at least once a day to prevent tangles. The attention can be stressful for this little dog, so teach them to relax during grooming. It’s not easy for them to get dirty, so expect to bathe your Yorkie once or twice a month.
Medium Fluffy Dog Breeds

Medium-sized fluffy dogs are a desirable choice for people who want a canine companion who is a bit larger but not big enough to be considered… well, big. They’re often easier to cuddle and will not be as overly needy as many small and toy breeds. You’ll often find that they will shed more than fluffy dogs of a smaller size, so grooming might be more strenuous. These dogs make an excellent choice for families who are more active and have a bigger space to offer. Quite a few of them are working dogs, so be sure that you can handle their exercise needs before welcoming one home.
Afghan Hound
The Afghan Hound is a striking dog with slender features that are highlighted by its long silky, flowing hair. Afghan Hounds are known for being a bit peculiar looking, only because they’re some of the most elegant dogs around. They have a beautiful silhouette, slender snouts, and oodles of luxurious fur. These dogs are fairly relaxed and will do best in a family that can match their laid-back nature. They are fine around children as long as they’re not overly rambunctious.
Socialization is important for this breed as early as possible, especially if you plan to keep them around cats. Afghan Hounds have a high prey drive that causes them to chase after smaller animals. Thankfully, training the Afghan Hound is easy, thanks to their intelligence.
Caring for your Afghan Hound’s coat is a lot of work since it is long and dense. You should give them daily brushing and take care to remove any and all tangles before they turn into mats. Grooming this breed can be tough, as they require a lot of attention with regular baths, trimming, and brushing. It may be best to hire a professional to keep your Afghan Hound looking sharp.
American Eskimo Dog
The American Eskimo is an intriguing and gorgeous medium-sized dog. They also make very agreeable family pets with small children. American Eskimo Dogs are very friendly, intelligent, and loving dogs. They make a good companion for families who need a fun furry friend who also makes for a good watchdog. These dogs are alert and vocal, but they’re not aggressive, so don’t count on them becoming a ferocious guardian of your abode. They do well with children and pets similar to their size but will be mischievous around smaller animals like cats, ferrets, and birds. Socialization is imperative to keeping this breed behaving. Their puppy behavior follows them as late as 2 years into their life.
These dogs have gorgeous dense coats, with straight fur often coming in white, though some are fawn-colored. Brushing them daily is essential to preserving their fur’s natural fluffy texture. This helps distribute the fur’s natural oils, keeping it looking clean and healthy. Brushing is so important as American Eskimo Dogs are prone to skin irritation from bathing. Baths should be minimized as much as possible. Once every few months is fine for this dog.
Australian Shepherd
The Australian Shepherd has a beautiful coat, but it also comes with frequent shedding and daily grooming. Despite this high need, they make wonderful family pets. Australian Shepherds were once called the Australian Heeler, and were bred to be efficient at herding Australian cattle. These dogs are extremely competent at their jobs and will need daily tasks in order to feel fulfilled. They will absolutely hate cramped apartment life, as they’re much better suited to wide, open spaces.
Australian Shepherds are wonderfully loving, protective, and loyal, though they can be overly dominant. Aussies need ample training from an early age to understand their role in the household’s hierarchy. These majestic pups are an extremely high-energy breed and need lots of varied exercises to stay fit both physically and mentally.
These dogs have very fluffy fur, but they shed often, making them non-hypoallergenic. Brushing isn’t very difficult, as it’s only needed once a week or so. It may be a good idea to keep their coats cut shorter, as this will prevent debris from outdoors from getting caught in it. Try not to bathe your Aussie too often. It can result in skin irritation and hair loss.
Border Collie
The Border Collie has a very recognizable black and white coat. Border Collies are known as the most intelligent dogs on the planet, so if you’re looking to welcome one into your life, you’d better be prepared to keep up. In addition to being super smart, Border Collies are highly active dogs who will need a lot of exercise to keep in shape.
Training them from early in their puppy hood can help curb a lot of stubbornness— especially useful later in life when they’re too smart for their own good. When they’re relaxed, they make fantastic family companions, though they prefer older kids to younger ones.
Border Collies are undoubtedly fluffy, with dense, straight double coats. You will need to brush their coats out at least once a week, though you should always check for burrs caught in the fur if they spend a lot of time outdoors. They do shed and will need more frequent brushing during the shedding season. This helps loosen the old fur, remove tangles, and make the coat nice and shiny.
Chow Chow
The Chow Chow is one of the fluffiest dog breeds due to a very dense coat. They come in two different coats that will need different types of care. Chow Chows are undoubtedly cute. They’re known for being almost impossibly fluffy, thanks to their lion-like manes and super dense coats. Chows are sometimes known to be more aloof, reserved dogs. This is generally true, but it’s possible to get them to warm up to people when socialized early in life.
Training the Chow Chow to behave is essential, as these regal dogs can be quite stubborn. Their training should begin as soon as you welcome them into your home. When better adjusted, these dogs are loving and sweet, though they will generally be attached to one favorite person in the family.
Chow Chows come in rough-coated and smooth-coated varieties. Rough-coated Chows require daily brushing to remove all tangles in their fur. Smooth-coated Chows only need weekly brushing. Weekly baths are recommended, but as the Chow spends most of their time indoors, you can opt to bathe them at least once a month.
Finnish Lapphund
Finnish Lapphunds are friendly and eager to please. They fit in well with large families and enjoy lots of activities. Finnish Lapphunds enjoy a lot of popularity in their native Scandinavia, and we feel it’s about time for them to get the same recognition elsewhere, too. Lapphunds are docile, always wanting to be part of a “pack” — your family will suit this need perfectly.
Finnish Lapphunds can be a bit needy, as they love being included in the goings-on of everyday life. However, they are also prone to separation anxiety. Leaving them alone for too long can put them in deep distress, where they may bark excessively and display destructive behavior. It’s always good to have someone with them if you will be away for more than a few hours. Socialization comes easily to them. They will be at home even in large families with many children and pets.
Finnish Lapphunds have a very fluffy double coat that helps keep them warm in the bitter cold. They have luxuriously dense fur as a result. You should brush them weekly to keep tangles at bay. As they tend not to be smelly, you will not need to bathe your Finnish Lapphund very often, just when their coat gets soiled.
The Keeshond has a very fluffy, dense coat but is surprisingly low maintenance. Keeshonds are very loyal, loving, and protective dogs. They enjoy following their family around everywhere and will dislike being left alone for any period of time. As such, they must only live indoors with their pack. Consistency is important in training them, as they’re very much inclined to play instead of listening to your commands. Luckily, Keeshonds are highly intelligent and should get the hang of what you are teaching them in no time.
Keeshonds have relatively high energy needs and need to be exercised at least 60 minutes daily in order to expend their extra energy. This keeps them well-behaved. They need plenty of mental interaction as well.
Keeshonds need daily brushing to keep their lovely coats soft and tangle-free. Beyond this, though, they don’t require much bathing unless they’ve gotten visibly dirty. Teach your Keeshond that grooming is a bonding experience between you two, and they will happily sit and enjoy the attention.
Shetland Sheepdog
The Shetland Sheepdog is not only beautiful but deeply devoted to humans. Shetland Sheepdogs are a bit peculiar in their nature. They deeply love their family, but they don’t really show that love in an overly affectionate way. Some would describe them as being quite reserved. This was probably bred into them to make them more efficient at shepherding. Shetlands are also easily excitable and will often spin around when they see something that catches their interest.
Shelties are incredibly vocal dogs and will need firm training to keep their barking to a minimum. Teaching them to behave can be difficult if not done early enough in their life.
Shelties have fabulously flowing coats that will need brushing a few times a week to keep them neat. Spritzing the coat with water before brushing will allow for easier grooming. Your Sheltie may be averse to the grooming process, so be sure to do it gently and follow through with positive reinforcement. They will not need frequent bathing and will be fine bathing only when necessary.
Siberian Husky
The Siberian Husky is one of the most alluring breeds out there, and the fluffy coat and beautiful eyes make them highly recognizable. They’re highly recognizable, being the poster pups for snow dogs. They love being part of a pack and will assimilate perfectly into family life. Huskies can be a bit mischievous, so you should socialize them early on and teach them to be gentle with your kids. They never really mean any harm, given how friendly Huskies are, but are powerfully built. Siberian Huskies are highly active dogs and will need upwards of 90 minutes of exercise every day in order to stay relaxed and away from trouble.
These dogs were meant to brave the cold, so they have dense coats which need a lot of care. Brushing several times a week is necessary. This helps keep shedding in control. Shedding gets more severe in the spring and autumn months, so you will need to brush them more often then. Bathing this dog often isn’t recommended, as Huskies are predisposed to skin issues. Regular contact with soap can really dry their skin out.
Large Fluffy Dog Breeds

If you live in a more rural area or in a place with lots of room to spare, you’ve probably thought about adopting a big dog. If you’re looking for a fluffy friend who can head out on adventures with you without getting too tired, then you should definitely look into getting a large, fluffy dog. While well-suited to living life outdoors, large dog breeds with fluffy coats are often content to hang out with their family indoors. Take a look at the ones we’ve listed and see if any of them suit your lifestyle.
Alaskan Malamute
Alaskan Malamutes are often mistaken for Siberian Huskies but much bigger. Both breeds are very loving and make very agreeable family pets. Alaskan Malamutes are another iconic snow dog, the biggest Arctic sled dog. Their greatest desire is to love and protect their family as best as they can. These dogs thrive on attention and must not be left alone for extended periods.
Malamutes play very well with children, but you must teach them not to be rough. They sometimes do not know their own strength. Socializing this dog is important if you want them to share a home with cats and other small animals. They will be inclined to chase after smaller pets as though they were prey. Take care to train them well.
The Alaskan Malamute is a hefty sized, fluffy dog whose coat can come in a wide variety of colors. They must be brushed carefully to remove mats. Daily brushing is a good idea, though you can save this for heavy shedding seasons. Your Alaskan Malamute will not need more than a few baths a year. Once a quarter is good enough for this dog.
Bernese Mountain Dog
Bernese Mountain dogs are known for their gentle nature, making their fluffy fur even more enticing to cuddle up with. Berners are among the sweetest and most loving dogs out there. They have had plenty of jobs over the history of their breed, so their work ethic is impeccable. However, they’re happiest when relaxing with their family. They fit perfectly well with virtually any family, provided they have the space to stretch their long legs and time to walk outdoors.
They have incredible patience and will be highly tolerant of even the most rambunctious children. Berners are very playful and will always want to do something fun with their family. They’re a good choice for active households. Socialization is essential for them to come out of their shell when they meet new people and animals. It’s good that these pups are both obedient and intelligent enough to handle their training.
Berners are beautiful dogs, with their trademark black-brown-white color all over their thick, wavy coat. They will need regular brushing, especially if they spend a lot of time outdoors. Brushing helps them shed more effectively and gets a lot of the dirt off. Bernese Mountain Dogs aren’t stinky dogs, so they’ll only need one bath every 3 months.
Bouvier des Flandres
The Bouvier des Flandres have a dense, soft, curly coat and are known to be extremely low shedding, making them a solid pick for anyone suffering from allergies. The Bouvier des Flandres is a steadfast dog who has no trouble devoting themselves to their family’s protection. Their size makes them easily intimidating to most evildoers who wish harm upon the home. They’re not needy dogs, as they’re relatively independent.
This breed is thus an excellent choice for families who may not always have someone around to watch them. Socialization is important to help them play nicely with other members of the family, such as children or pets. They are easy to train, as they have high respect for their owners, so this shouldn’t be too arduous of a task.
This breed’s coat is superbly dense and will need brushing a few times a week to keep it looking nice. It also keeps them healthy, as mats can create areas of skin irritation that could lead to infection. Brushing them often also helps them properly shed. They’re not big shedders, though. Try to bathe this dog only when it’s absolutely necessary to prevent irritating their sensitive skin.
Great Pyrenees
The Great Pyrenees is not only big, fluffy, and beautiful but also very loyal, sweet, and friendly, making them wonderful family pets. Great Pyrenees are giant dogs who make valiant protectors of their homesteads. They are awesome guard dogs who will do a smashing job of intimidating intruders. Despite this, they are very friendly and sweet to those their family trusts. They are naturally loving towards children and other pets.
These fuzzy dogs are a calming presence in the home and are often trained as therapy dogs. Take note that these dogs are very smart and, as such, will be keen to be more independent in their thinking. Train them from early on to listen to you, and they will be one of the best-behaved dogs you’ve ever met.
Great Pyrenees have beautiful, fluffy white coats, though they can sometimes come in cream. The light color of their fur makes them prone to getting dirty. However, they shed a good bit, so the dirt comes off even without bathing. They will only need a bath a few times a year. Brushing your Great Pyre is vital to their coat’s health, so try to groom them at least 4 times a week.
Leonbergers are gentle giants, often a desirable choice for emotional support animals. They are incredibly happy to be part of any family as long as they feel needed and cherished. These dogs love children and will be patient and gentle with them. However, as they get so large, you will need to supervise interactions with your kids to make sure everyone stays safe. Training them to understand their strength as early as possible will help them get accustomed to hanging out with smaller members of your family. Socialization is essential to preserve their naturally gentle temperaments.
Leonbergers are very fluffy, with gorgeous, dense coats that need a good amount of care. They have a thick undercoat and a medium-length outer coat that require brushing at least 3 times a week. This prevents tangles and infection. You’ll find your Leonberger shedding more than usual when the seasons change. This will be the time to brush them daily until the shedding calms down. Bathing them monthly is a good idea, though if they aren’t outside often, they will be fine with only a few baths a year.
Old English Sheepdog
The Old English Sheepdog is another large yet docile dog on this list. Sheepdogs are loving with kids and will be a wonderful companion for families that need both a friend and a watchful eye. Their keen senses help them sense when something is amiss, and their loud bark is more than enough to get your attention. The barking may get excessive, so train them as early as possible to curb this behavior. This is also a good way to develop their obedience.
The old English Sheepdog’s fuzziness is their distinguishing feature. They have a lot of fur that will need proper care. They need thorough brushing every day to prevent matting and tangles. You can opt to trim their fur to keep it at a more manageable length if you live in a warmer area. Be sure to groom your Old English Sheepdog before you bathe them, and only bathe them when absolutely necessary.
The Newfoundland loves to lay around and relax, making them the perfect, fluffy pillow. Newfoundlands are well-loved for their luxuriously fluffy coats, keen senses, and deep love and devotion. They aren’t particularly aggressive, so they’re best suited for keeping watch rather than guarding the home. Newfoundlands are happiest when they can lounge with their family, as they tend to be quite laid-back. This makes them easy to train, as they’re predisposed to having good behavior.
Newfies love children and pets, so they will make an excellent choice for large families– provided they have a large space too. These dogs need a lot of room to stretch and walk around, so they do best in big homes with a yard to match.
Newfies have super dense water-resistant coats, which is good for their work in water rescue. Their grooming needs aren’t very demanding, though they must be brushed at least twice a week to remove mats and tangles. Shampooing this breed is not necessary. They will benefit most from dry shampoo, which preserves their fur’s natural oils.
Saint Bernard
The Saint Bernard is sweet, gentle, and loving but sometimes doesn’t understand its own size and strength. Saint Bernards are a famous breed with a winning temperament: gentle, affectionate, and patient. They are highly nurturing dogs who will be tolerant even of the most playful children and pets.
Socialization comes amazingly easy to this friendly dog. This large breed loves everyone, and everyone loves them. However, this affection may get the better of them (and others), as they can be too eager when giving affection. As they get so large, they will need training to keep their behavior in check so they’re not toppling people over by accident. This also helps a lot with bringing them out on a leash for their afternoon walks.
Saint Bernards are very fluffy dogs with a lot of fur that needs care. Thankfully, they aren’t as high-maintenance as many other dogs on this list. Brushing them once a week will help remove mats, debris, and old fur. As their fur has oils that keep it healthy and water-resistant, bathing should only be done when needed– when they’ve gotten especially dirty.
The Samoyed breed is a highly intelligent dog with a highly playful personality. Samoyeds are a friendly dog breed with a strong love for their family. They’re hardly ever aggressive, though they can be alert enough to let you know if you’ve got visitors. Samoyeds are highly playful and will need a lot of stimulation to keep them mentally and physically healthy.
Samoyeds love children, as they make for a perfect playmate. Training this intelligent dog might be difficult when not done early enough in their lives. They need firm leadership to understand what you need from them. Teaching them to behave ensures a harmonious, fun, and loving home life together.
Samoyeds have fluffy, dense coats that come in either white or cream. Their light-colored fur is prone to getting dirty if they’re outdoors often. However, the dirt often goes away on its own with the Sammie’s shedding. Try to bathe them only when they’ve gotten into a big mess, such as rolling in the mud. Brushing out their coats is essential to remove mats and tangles. Try to do this several times a week most of the year and daily during shedding season.
Tibetan Mastiff
The Tibetan Mastiff, often mistaken for a lion, makes incredible guard dogs. The final fluffy dog on this list is the truly massive Tibetan Mastiff. They are incredible guard dogs, highly protective of their family and home. Tibetan Mastiffs are often stubborn, which makes them challenging to train. You will need to guide them from early in puppy hood with firm and patient leadership.
These Mastiffs can be very reserved but will open up nicely to every member of the family when properly socialized. Tibetan Mastiffs are incredibly intelligent canines and will appreciate that you acknowledge their wisdom. If you show them that you love, cherish, and respect them, they will undoubtedly give that back.
Tibetan Mastiffs have ultra-dense double coats that shed most in the spring and summer months. You must brush them daily during these seasons to eliminate the loose fur. Brushing only a few times a week is fine during the rest of the year. Tibetan Mastiffs do not need frequent bathing. Once every other month is enough to keep them clean.
And there you have it, 37 of the fluffiest dog breeds known to man. Each one will be their own unique dog, but it’s always good to understand a bit more of their breed’s general requirements. Doing your research is the responsible thing to do when looking to adopt a new dog. Remember that no matter which fluffy dog you choose to welcome into your life, you will have a bit of extra work when it comes to grooming. Those glamorous coats need a lot of help to stay pretty. This is on top of fulfilling their exercise needs, giving them a healthy diet, and tending to their mental well-being.
Keeping Your Dog Healthy
Taking diligent care of your dog, no matter what breed they may be will be key to giving them a long and fulfilling life. Make sure they have plenty of room, ample exercise, high-quality food, and regular veterinary care. Some dogs need supplements, for certain conditions like joint support or allergies. Regular training, and grooming are a huge part of owning a fluffy breed. make sure your pup feel slots of love and trust from you. Canines are known to give back the love given to them many times over. Your fluffy dog is certain to give you a soft, special kind of love you both will cherish for the rest of your lives.
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