Posted on: May 20, 2021 Posted by: Petsynse Comments: 0
Does good eventually win over evil?


It has become very clear that despite our hopes and aspirations for 2021, the world continues to go bonkers. Countries are going deeper and deeper into debt, and many people are getting frustrated and feeling low.

But before you throw your hands in the air and say there is nothing you can do, I bet you can feel better than most people by making a few adjustments in your life.

As COVID news continues to dominate the media space, I am rather puzzled by the lack of interest in inexpensive and effective methods to get our lives back on track. It is highly possible that many people already have antibodies, and the easiest way to find out would be to do a simple COVID antibody titre test, the same way we can test dogs for rabies, distemper, or parvovirus titre.

If I was in charge, I would test everyone to determine who is immune and these people, alongside those who chose to be immunized, could go on with life as usual. Wouldn’t that make sense?

More on antibody testing

As I said, antibody level tests are a very common practice in pets, and they are a part of my safer vaccination protocol. Such tests are so reliable that Hawaii, New Zealand, and Australia use them for animal imports to these rabies-free regions.

Naturally, this brings up the question, why isn’t antibody testing being widely used for COVID-19?

One reason could be that the government officials do not have enough understanding about what could be done, which is puzzling because most of them have well-educated experts on their advisory boards.

The other possibility is that vaccine companies, who are interested in maximizing profits, are deliberately being quiet about antibody testing because if a chunk of the population is immune, it would significantly decrease their business. 🤔

This suspicion has been shaped by my experience with dog vaccine manufacturers that recommended unnecessary yearly vaccines for decades until they no longer could cover up the fact that dogs maintain immunity against the most common diseases up to their senior years.

A drug that could prevent or reduce the severity of COVID??

There is also information on research coming through in Europe that a cheap and safe drug “Ivermectin”, originally a dewormer, appears to be effective in preventing or reducing COVID-19 symptoms.

Some European governments have already allowed this drug protocol to be used against COVID-19, and what puzzles me is that the North American media fail to mention this at all.

What choices do we have?

My approach to this confusing state of the world is to base my decisions on what makes sense, and avoid as much of the nonsense as possible. This includes non-sensical propaganda or unfounded conspiracy theories. Usually, the truth is somewhere in the middle.  

A NEWS FAST is another effective way to keep your spirits up. I have tried this last year and felt great, but then gradually slid back to listening and watching more news, which made it impossible to feel positive.

Last month, I put myself onto a complete news fast again. Instead, I listened to interesting podcasts, or listened to books, and watched older comedy episodes by Tracy Ullman. I have embedded a few funny videos below to share with you.

I also love to learn new things! It is a remedy to counteract the effect of these difficult times. Recently, I took a course on photo editing and creative writing, and I also bought a membership for online fitness classes.

As I am writing these lines, and thinking about you and your dogs, I feel connected no matter what the distance is between us. We are lucky, because we know the best ways to keep our spirits high, and that is to have dogs and other animal friends in our lives.

Let’s be hopeful, because this too shall pass, as everything eventually does.

Take care and give your dog a hug for me.