A fun video I recorded of Pax and his friends
I recently changed locations and was a bit upset when I realized that I had none of my supplements with me.
I had to wait about a week for the shipment, and in that time I had the opportunity to notice the difference essential supplements make in how good I feel. I will say, I was very happy to see my shipment when it arrived!
Check out our Eco-Friendly packaging
Have you ever wondered what a shipment from my Healing Store looks like?
You might notice it looks a little different from other packages you receive. There’s no plastic bubble wrap, no plastic containers, and no small boxes packed within giant boxes. Instead you get kraft paper, glass bottles, metal lids, and our really cool eco-sleeves to make sure everything arrives in one piece.
Watch the video below to see me un-box SoulFood, GreenMin, and FeelGood Omega, as well as some of our H+ products.
Of course Pax and his friends, Lana and Toby, insisted on helping me investigate all of the goodies we got. ❤️🐶