Posted on: September 24, 2024 Posted by: Petsynse Comments: 0

Bowl of cheerios with dog face up close.
Image credit: Luisa P Oswalt & gemphoto, Shutterstock

Cheerios is one of those cereals that has been a classic for as long as most of us can remember. As a long-time favorite cereal for humans of all ages, you might wonder, “Can dogs eat Cheerios?” This is a great question. Thankfully, Cheerios aren’t toxic to dogs, but while they can safely eat a few, there’s a bit more to know before loading up your pup’s bowl with these tasty O’s. Let’s get into it.

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Can Dogs Have Cheerios?


Dogs can eat a few Cheerios safely but should not have them in large amounts. They are not the best choice for a dog treat because they add no nutritional value to a dog’s diet. Cheerios are basically empty calories. While they are not toxic or a choking hazard, this oat-based cereal is simply not that great for your dog.

Cheerios are gluten-free and made from whole-grain oats. For humans, they are an extremely healthy cereal choice and particularly popular with the toddler set. You aren’t alone if you have fed your pup a few or watched as they eagerly scarf up any that fall on the floor. Cheerios may be a fun, occasional snack for dogs, but this oat-based cereal should not be a regular part of your pup’s diet. They contain some ingredients, such as sugar and salt, that are not healthy for dogs.

Keep in mind that any type of treat should only make up 10% of your pup’s daily calorie intake.

Can Dogs Have Honey Nut Cheerios?

Dogs should not have Honey Nut Cheerios. They have higher levels of sugar than the regular variety and contain almonds. Almonds are not safe for canines due to the elevated levels of salt, as well as aflatoxins, which can be toxic to canines. The combination of empty calories, high sugar, high carbs, and potential for toxicity makes Honey Nut Cheerios a poor choice of snack for your pet. Dogs can have honey, but not in large amounts.

Are Cheerios Good For Dogs?

Cheerios won’t harm your dog when eaten in moderation, but these oaty O’s aren’t exactly good for them either. They won’t cause any major issues, but canines should not have that much plant material in their diet. Oaty O’s won’t provide much in the form of energy, and some varieties can contain added sugars, preservatives, and chemicals.

Are Cheerios Bad For Dogs?

Cheerios contain sugar and salt, and while these levels are okay for humans, they aren’t good for canines. Dogs do not need added sodium or sugar or ingredients like corn syrup in their diet. Eating too many may cause digestive upset, including constipation. Eating them long-term can lead to weight gain due to the sugars and carbohydrates. Obesity is a big concern, especially as it can lead to more serious conditions like diabetes, heart problems, and dental decay.

Can My Dog Have Cheerios And Milk?

No, you should not give your pup Cheerios or any other cereal with milk. Dogs are lactose intolerant, and feeding them a bowl of milk is asking for trouble. Not only do they have difficulty digesting it, but milk is also high in fat and sugar. While it does provide calcium and protein, it is much healthier to get these nutrients from well-made dog food. While a sip or two of milk isn’t a huge deal, more than that means tummy trouble for Fido.

Are There Any Cereals Safe For Dogs To Eat?

There are a few cereals that, like Cheerios, can be safe in minimal amounts. Plain cereal is best, and you never want to feed a dog cereal with chocolate, as it is toxic to dogs. The same goes for Raisin Bran, as raisins are highly toxic to canines. Nuts are another ingredient to be wary of. It’s also important to avoid cereals that have artificial colors and flavors. These are chemicals that your dog does not need. Cereal does not provide quality nutrition. It is mainly fiber, sugar, and empty calories and can lead to constipation and unnecessary weight gain.

Plain cereals like classic Cheerios and Rice Krispies can be okay as a very occasional treat. However, these really should not be a regular part of your pet’s diet. If you need to add grains to their nutrition, plain cooked white or brown rice is a safer choice than processed cereals.

Learn More About Human Foods Dogs Can Eat

We cover a long list of human foods dogs can eat and toxic foods to avoid. It’s helpful to familiarize yourself with what is safe and what to avoid to minimize any unintended illness or medical issues. While Cheerios are not toxic to your dog, not all human foods are safe, and some are very dangerous. Pet insurance is wise to consider, as it can help you provide costly treatment to your pup in an emergency, such as ingesting something toxic. Learn more about pet insurance and what it covers in our detailed guide.

Frequently Asked Questions

Dogs are always eating food we drop on the floor or sneaking a bite when they think we aren’t looking. There are many questions about dogs eating cereal and other human food. I’ve covered a few, but if I didn’t get yours, let me know in the comments.

Can Cheerios Be Used As Training Treats?

Cheerios are not the best choice for training treats. Your fur baby might gobble them up, but that does not mean they are good for them. Stick to treats made specifically for pets. We review some wonderful low-calorie dog training treat options, such as organic dog treats, and we have a few tasty recipes for treats you can make at home. The video below shows you how to make easy coconut water treats.

Are Cheerios A Choking Hazard For Dogs?

Depending on Fido’s size, cereal can be a potential choking hazard. This may not be highly likely for one piece of cereal, but clumps often form when multiple pieces stick together. A large clump like this could get stuck in your pup’s throat. However, it is very unlikely they would choke on one Cheerio.

Can Dogs Be Allergic To Cheerios?

Yes, if they are allergic to oats. Dogs who are allergic to oats should not eat Cheerios, as they can trigger an allergic reaction. Some varieties contain other ingredients, like nuts or added fruits, that may or may not be safe.

Picking Healthy Dog Treats & Snacks

Cheerios are a tasty, healthy treat for us, and dogs can eat a few here and there without a huge risk. That said, it is not a top pick for your dog’s snack, treat, or meal. Canines need animal protein, healthy fats, minimal carbs, and vitamins and minerals. There are plenty of high-quality dog foods and treats to choose from. My pups love fresh nutrition, including brands like Spot & Tango and The Farmer’s Dog. You may also want to consider freeze-dried food and dog treats. If your pup has a sensitive stomach, we have reviewed a long list of the best vegan dog treats and the best dog foods for picky eaters. Always discuss your pet’s nutritional needs and your concerns with your vet before making a big switch.

Why Trust Canine Journal?

Danielle has over three decades of canine care experience. She has welcomed multiple rescue animals to her home, including those with special medical needs. Along with pet care expertise, she has a background in education and behavior management. Danielle has tested and reviewed over 100 kinds of pet foods and treats with the help of her two rescue pups, Daisy and Falkor. As part of the Canine Journal research team, she has written extensively about dog products, foods, treats, nutrition, health, toys, training, and more.