Pets come with great responsibility. A lot of people are fond of keeping dogs as pets. However, keeping a pet does not mean letting a pet stay within the premises of your house, but also to take care of them and nourish them. No one would just keep a pet at home for the sake of decoration, but their motive is based on their love for animals. All the pet owners are extremely attached to their pets, and none would put their health at stake. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the dietary needs of your pets, so they remain healthy, playful, and active. For nourishment, their diet needs to be carefully monitored. The best dog food choices will ensure their healthy growth as well as; they will be more active. If the food is not apt, dogs may catch diseases. Hence, it is essential to bear in mind that your dog cannot handle everything that you eat. Especially when it comes to fruits, the selection is really important as many fruits are unsuitable to such an extent that they are considered toxic for puppies.
Can Dogs eat Mangoes?
Mango is the king of all fruits, and most of the people love to devour them in different forms. However, do not let this make you a hasty decision and get your dog eating mangoes. Regardless of your dog-loving mangoes and mangoes being safe for our pups, it is essential to keep a check on the consumed amount and the way it is consumed. To mention here, mango is the safest and nutrient-rich fruit for the dogs.
However, do not get overwhelmed with the benefits this specific fruit has and over-feed your dogs. Mangoes have a high sugar content which can cause health complications if the amount is not appropriately managed. Hence, it is advised to make sure that dog treat makes up only ten percent of the total puppy food consumed per day. Excessive use of everything is harmful, even if it is food. Hence, only feed them a small portion of mangoes as only a moderate amount of mangoes are suitable for a dog’s health. So always be very careful to feed them mangoes. Do not just let them eat whatever amount they want to so you can maximize the benefits obtained from it.
How to feed mangoes to a dog?
As mentioned, you can give mangoes as a treat to your pup-friends. However, along with regulating the amount, the way of consumption comes with a few precautions too. Mangoes have a skin that is hard to digest for a dog, a fleshy, delicious sweet pulp, and a large seed called a pit. So it is necessary to remove the skin and pit of the mango before giving it to the dog. The pit can not only block your little one’s digestive tract or choke them but are also poisonous as they contain cyanide in them. You can blend the mango slices to make a puree. The puree can be then added to the dogs’ food, or you can make a treat out of this puree by searching for dog treat recipes. Other than that, you can simply put mango slices in the dog food container so they can enjoy the mango slices as it is. However, it definitely ensures that it is deskinned, and the pit is removed as well.
Drawbacks of feeding mangoes:
A tablespoon of mango a couple of days a week will be great for most adult dogs. Feeding a dog with too much mango is likely to induce abdominal pain or diarrhea. If dogs consume the skin as well, it might show signs of discomfort after being unable to digest such large amounts of fiber. Indigestion usually persists in dogs that have not previously consumed such fiber-rich food, so medical advice is necessary.
Furthermore, high sugar content can lead to dental issues, even dental decay, and dental caries. Along with that, the puppies likely become lethargic after consuming a large amount of sugar and might gain weight in unhealthy ways. Also, high sugar intake results in excessive insulin secretion, which can damage the muscles, alter fat storage, cause metabolic and hormonal disorders as well. Moreover, never ignore the fact that a dog is susceptible to getting diabetes as well due to high sugar consumption.
Benefits of mangoes to a Dog:
Mangoes are highly packed with antioxidants, including zeaxanthin, which supports eye protection. It also has a large concentration of water and fiber, a combination that has shown to aid digestion. They have vitamin A that can help strengthen the dog’s body, vision, and immune system. Vitamin C in mangoes is suitable for dogs of old age. Potassium in mangoes is good for the heart, kidney, and nerve system. Vitamin B6 is useful for anemic dogs. All these vitamins and minerals in mangoes are beneficial for the dog’s health. Although mangoes may provide the vitamins that dogs require in their diet, they will get all the nutrients they need from their dog foods, even if it is not consumed regularly. Mango is an additional benefit for a balanced doggie diet. When talking about feeding mangoes to a dog, the key thing to remember is to be moderate as an excessive amount of mangoes can cause dog diarrhea, and high sugar consumption may lead to weight gain and other severe health issues in dogs.
Dogs love mangoes as a meal or as a sweet treat, but you should still speak to the veterinarian before you give the dog some fresh food. Too much mango will upset your dog’s appetite and bring an excessive level of sugar to their diet, which brings a series of health disorders. So always be very careful while feeding any human food to your dogs, including fruits like mangoes, which have known health benefits for them. Responsibly regulate the consumption of mangoes, and do not be swayed in emotions out of your doggy love that it harms them. Remember, ten percent treat only! Also, ensure that they do not consume pit or the skin. Mangoes and other fruits are healthy and safe for your pets, but always consult a doctor to feed them to avoid any health risks to your little tail-wagger. After all, it is their health that comes first.
Do you want to know if your dog can eat Strawberries? read here https://petsynse.com/can-dogs-eat-strawberries/