Potatoes are an American staple that people eat in a variety of ways. We all know that potatoes are okay for humans but, are potatoes okay for dogs? Before you let your dog enjoy a potato snack, learn more about what can happen when dogs eat potatoes.
Article Overview
Can Dogs Have Potatoes?
You may be wondering, are potatoes good for dogs, or are potatoes bad for dogs? The answer to these questions is yes and no. Potatoes contain solanine, a glycoalkaloid poison that can be toxic to dogs if they consume large amounts. Raw potatoes contain higher amounts of solanine than cooked potatoes, so some forms of potatoes are okay, and others are not.
Can Dogs Eat Potato Skins?
Potato skins contain oxalates, an acid found in plants that can be harmful in high doses. The skins are also a bit hard to chew and hard to digest. For these reasons, you should not give them to your dog.
Are Potatoes Toxic To Dogs?
Because of the solanine in potatoes, they can potentially be toxic to dogs. However, since your pup would need to eat large amounts of solanine for actual toxicity, that’s unlikely. If your dog ingests a raw potato with the highest levels of solanine, they’ll end up with an upset stomach, including possible nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting.
Are Dogs Allergic To Potatoes?
Just like humans, dogs can have food allergies. If your dog’s body believes a specific food is harmful, it can create an immune response that can appear like some of the following symptoms.
A dog can have an allergy to potatoes. If you suspect a food allergy, you’ll need to think about allergy testing to determine if potatoes are the cause.
Can Dogs Eat Sweet Potatoes?
Sweet potatoes are nutrient-dense root vegetables that contain vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin C, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and iron. So, can dogs have sweet potatoes, and are sweet potatoes good for dogs? Sweet potatoes don’t have solanine in them, and since they are full of vitamins, they are okay for dogs.
Can Dogs Eat Raw Sweet Potatoes?
Raw sweet potatoes, like raw potatoes, are difficult to chew and can get stuck in the intestinal tract causing a blockage. You should never give your pup a raw sweet potato.
Can Dogs Eat Sweet Potato Skins?
Potato skins of all kinds are hard to chew and digest. It’s always better to remove the skins before giving a dog any kind of potato.
Sweet Potato Dog Treats
There are lots of sweet potato dog treats on the market. We recommend these dehydrated sweet potato dog treats and sweet potato chews for dogs if you want an easy way to give your pup all the nutrients in a sweet potato.
Sweet Potato For Diarrhea
Did you know you could give your dog sweet potato for diarrhea? One cup of cooked sweet potato has six grams of fiber, and adding a bit of extra fiber to your dog’s regular diet can help with occasional constipation and diarrhea. Always check with your vet before you add something new to your pup’s diet.
Can Dogs Eat French Fries?
While dogs can eat fries, most french fries are indeed bad for dogs. The only way you should give your dog french fries is if they are made from scratch, baked instead of fried in oil, and have no salt or seasoning on them.
You may also be wondering, can dogs eat sweet potato fries? Again, they can, but it’s best if they are made from scratch, not fried in oil, and have no salt or seasoning on them.
Other Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some other frequently asked questions you may be pondering when it comes to dogs eating potatoes. Don’t see your question here? Ask us in the comments below.
Can Dogs Eat Raw Potatoes?
Raw potatoes have the highest levels of solanine, making them the form of potatoes most likely to make your pup sick. They’re also hard to chew and can cause intestinal blockages.
Can Dogs Eat Cooked Potatoes?
Cooked potatoes are better for dogs because cooking reduces solanine levels, so they won’t make your pup sick.
Can Dogs Eat Boiled Potatoes?
Boiled potatoes are an excellent choice if you are looking for a safe way to give your pup potatoes. But, be sure to remove the skins and leave off the seasoning.
Can Dogs Eat Mashed Potatoes?
Can dogs have mashed potatoes? Yes. Are mashed potatoes good for dogs? Not if they have seasoning, butter, milk, or potato skin. If you aren’t going to make a special batch without all the extra stuff for your pup, they are not the best choice.
Can Dogs Eat Chips?
We all know chips aren’t the healthiest option for humans, so can dogs eat potato chips? Because of the salt content of most potato chips, they can make your dog sick. It doesn’t help if the chips are fried oil and have artificial flavors too.
Can Dogs Eat Hash Browns?
Hashbrowns aren’t the best choice to feed your pup. Unless you’ve made them from scratch, hash browns have preservatives and are cooked in oil, making your dog’s tummy sick.
Can Dogs Eat Baked Potatoes?
Baked potatoes have less solanine than raw potatoes, so they probably won’t make your dog sick to his stomach. But, be aware that you will still want to remove the skin, which can be hard to chew and digest.
Can Dogs Eat Tater Tots?
Tater tots are not a good choice for dogs to eat because, unless you have made them from scratch, they’re made with preservatives and can be fried in fatty oils and covered with salt. Tater tots can make your dog feel sick or cause health issues.
Can Dogs Eat Red Potatoes?
Red potatoes are a safe treat for dogs as long as the skin has not turned green. Green skin indicates solanine in the red potato, which could make your pup sick.
How Do I Make Sweet Potato Dog Treats?
If you are wondering how to cook sweet potatoes for dogs, we have the video for you. You can easily make sweet potato dog treats at home. In this three-minute video from the Rachael Ray Show, Allison Fogerty shows you how to make grain-free, healthy, homemade sweet potato dog treats.
What Foods Can Dogs Eat?
Potatoes are only one of many human foods you may have thought of sharing with your furry friend. Our experts can help you determine what you can and can’t give your dog with our articles about what dogs can and can’t eat and what dogs can drink. We also review the best dog treats so you can feel good about the treats you give your pup.
What kind of potatoes has your dog tried and liked?
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