The term “vaping” is a misnomer that implies ESD’s emit harmless water vapor, when they, in fact, discharge aerosol filled with toxic chemicals at levels even higher than in tobacco smoke.
E-Cigarettes heat, vaporize, and emit numerous harmful chemicals exposing your Lab to substantial risk. Some of the chemicals cause cancer and are reproductive toxins (causing harm to the hormones—even in neutered or spayed animals–showing up in coat and skin issues or worse). Carcinogens include nitrosamines, formaldehyde, cadmium, lead, and nickel. When ESD heats propylene glycol, a common vaping liquid ingredient, it forms propylene oxide, a known carcinogen.
Exhaled ESD Erososol also contains nicotine. Research shows that non-smoking bystanders absorb the same amount of nicotine whether they are exposed to 2nd ESD or tobacco smoke. Aerosolized nicotine also adheres to surfaces, where it then promotes “thirdhand” exposure.
(just some cool vintage cigarettes I found!)
Because ESD contain high concentrations of ultrafine particles, unlike tobacco, the tiny particles are inhaled deeper into the lungs than larger tobacco smoke particles, which increases the risk of developing severe lung disease. In addition, ESD aerosol contains carbonyls and other chemicals that cause heart attacks and other heart damage. Or it could result in a persistent cough!
In a study of vaping on behavioral effects, it was found that 2,857 homes found significantly higher excitability and separation-related problems in homes where a Pet Parent vaped.
Best advice: Go outside and just vape there if you must. Just stay away from your Lab when you do.