Posted on: May 5, 2023 Posted by: Petsynse Comments: 0

Labradors and French bulldogs are both popular dog breeds, but they have very different personalities and characteristics. Labradors are known for their friendly and outgoing personalities, while French bulldogs are known for being more laid-back–but very, very independent. But is this the breed for you? Here’s some things to consider. And the differences between the two breeds.

One of the main reasons why Labradors are often considered better than French bulldogs is their intelligence. Labradors are highly trainable and can be taught a wide range of commands and tricks, making them ideal for families who want a dog that can perform various tasks. French bulldogs, on the other hand, can be more stubborn and difficult to train.

Additionally, Labradors are known for their love of water and swimming, which can be a great activity for families who live near lakes or the beach. French bulldogs, however, are not natural swimmers and may require special training and supervision around water. French bulldogs actually can NOT swim and begin to sink when they try–its mostly their body build. Be careful around pools and water areas!!!

In terms of health, both breeds can be prone to certain health issues. Labradors are susceptible to hip dysplasia and many other issues (responsible breeders do health clearances for these!), while French bulldogs are prone to respiratory problems and skin allergies. (flat-faced breed–careful with extreme temperatures!!!) It’s important for owners of both breeds to monitor their dog’s health and provide proper care to prevent these issues.

Ultimately, the decision between a Labrador and a French bulldog comes down to personal preference and lifestyle. Both breeds have their own unique characteristics and can make great pets for the right family. Some people just like a BIG or a SMALL dog–and that’s it!!!

‘Needless suffering’

This lack of research and preparation can leave owners ignorant of their pet’s needs and cause the “needless suffering” of millions of animals”, the PDSA says.

Flat-faced dogs such as French bulldogs and pugs are particularly vulnerable breeds given their susceptibility to a multitude of health problems.

Both are known as brachycephalic breeds – the term used to describe the dogs’ flattened faces. Their facial profile is caused by genetic mutations that change the way the bones in the skull grow, resulting in a shorter, wider head.

Health problems

The unseen, though logical consequence of decades of intentionally breeding dogs with adorable, ever-more squishy faces and noses is the not-so-sweet reality of deformed and painfully narrow air passages.

This in turn causes breathing problems, meaning afflicted dogs can be left permanently gasping for air and struggling to cope with a lack of oxygen in the bloodstream. The dog’s heart is put under greater strain as a result, making it more susceptible to secondary heart problems.

Throw in the chronic skin infections from which these breeds commonly suffer due to their deep skin folds, eye ulcers caused by their tears failing to spread evenly over their bulging eyes and an abnormal tailbone (the cause of their dainty tails) and the troubling implications of breeding for these superficially attractive characteristics becomes clear, according to Katy Grant who speaks a lot on the health of frechies.

French bulldogs at risk

Many vets, charities, and animal welfare experts are appealing to would-be dog ownersto resist the temptation to join the US’s growing army of French bulldog and pug owners and opt for healthier breeds instead. Especially stay away from the large amount of Amish breeding Frenchies–they are pumping them out like crazy. Be sure to ask about health clearances and lineage.

The heavy demand for these Instagram-friendly breeds has created “the perfect opportunity for unscrupulous breeders and dealers to produce puppies on an intensive scale or to import from abroad, putting profits ahead of the health and welfare of the dogs,” the RSPCA warns. It’s a similar story at the RSPCA. “Sadly we’re seeing more and more dogs in veterinary clinics and surgeries across the country needing surgery to correct health problems which have been caused due to the way they’ve been selectively bred for exaggerated features,” says RSPCA dog welfare expert Lisa Hens.

–published by Donna Stanley. All rights reserved. If article appears on other sites, please inform us at as we have 9 sites stealing my blogs now.