Boy, oh boy! We sure are excited to talk about dog names that start with B! There are plenty of different places to find naming ideas for a new puppy. One fun way some owners choose pet names is by selecting those starting with the same letter, in this case, B.
A dog’s name is a representation of them, as well as a reflection of an owner’s interests and personality. Ideas can be based on a pup’s breed, appearance, personality, or something completely different. Along with representing both pet and owner, this is one of, if not the most essential, communication tool between the two of you. This word will become synonymous with you getting your dog’s attention. Your pup will learn that this word represents more than other words. Because a dog’s name is so important, there is no need to rush the process.
Picking out that perfect doggy title can take time and should be a fun process that you enjoy. There is no right or wrong way to pick a name as long as it works for you and your pet and does not come across as offensive or insulting to anyone who might hear or need to use it. We are excited to share our ideas with you for over 260 dog names that begin with the letter B.
20 Popular Names That Start With B For Dogs

Some very trendy and well-loved names begin with the letter B, often making the top of the popular dog name charts. We break down some of the all-time favorites below. These classic picks are sure to fit just about any pup.
- Baby
- Bailey
- Bambi
- Barley
- Beau
- Bella
- Bellamy
- Benjamin
- Bennet
- Bentley
- Bess
- Bingo
- Bobby
- Boogie
- Boomer
- Brady
- Brayden
- Brielle
- Brooklyn
- Buttercup
One lovely B name, Bella, has recently been honored as one of the most popular girl dog names in most states across the U.S. Bella can be traced to Latin, Spanish, Greek, and Italian origins and means “beautiful.” Belle is also popular in Disney movies as a princess’s title and for human babies.
Male Dog Names That Start With B
Baker | Blitz |
Banjo | Bob |
Banks | Boden |
Barnaby | Bodie |
Barney | Boone |
Bastian | Boris |
Baxter | Boyd |
Baylee | Brent |
Bear | Brock |
Ben | Brody |
Berto | Bruin |
Billy | Bruno |
Bishop | Bubba |
Bjorn | Buddy |
Blaze | Buster |
Many powerful and popular male monikers begin with B. From trustworthy and predictable names like Bob to regal and noble titles like Bartholomew, the letter B brings to mind many boisterous and bold naming ideas for boy pups.
Female Dog Names That Start With B
Babette | Bijou |
Bea | Bindi |
Beauty | Bitsy |
Becca | Blaire |
Bee | Blanca |
Begonia | Blessing |
Belinda | Bliss |
Bertha | Blue |
Beryl | Blythe |
Bessie | Breezy |
Bethany | Brenna |
Betsey | Brianna |
Bettina | Bronwen |
Bibi | Brynn |
Biddy | Bunny |
A beautiful female pup needs a beautiful, fashionable, and hip title. Fortunately, many beauteous naming ideas begin with a B. Any of these B names, from Barbara to Brunhilda, will make a brilliant title for your new pup.
Culinary Names That Start With B For Dogs
A love of food and a love of pets go hand in hand. It’s no wonder that pet owners love to designate their four-legged friends after their favorite foods and beverages. Whether a spicy flavor, a sweet treat, or a funky umami flavor, the culinary world offers a comprehensive menu of options for dog-naming ideas. Below are a few fun food-and-drink-inspired ideas starting with the letter B. While we have listed these by male and female, they can work for either.
Male | Female |
Baba Ghanoush | Baby Ruth |
Babka | Baguette |
Bacon | Baklava |
Bagel | Banana |
Bamboo | Bean |
Basil | Berry |
Basmati | Bingsu |
Bechamel | Biscochito |
Beefy | Biscotti |
Bok Choy | Bisque |
Bologna | Blondie |
Boniato | Blueberry |
Borscht | Boba |
Bouillon | Bonbon |
Bourbon | Brandy |
Bread | Bratwurst |
Brisket | Bread Crumb |
Broccoli | Bresaola |
Buckwheat | Brie |
Buffalo Wing | Brioche |
Bun | Broccoli |
Burger | Brownie |
Burrito | Bundt |
Butter | Butterscotch |
Famous Character Names For Dogs That Start With B
Many unforgettable characters begin the letter B throughout entertainment, including movies, books, stage, and television. Whether a villain, hero, friend, or foe, these B-naming ideas come from our favorite stories.
Male | Female |
Babar | Babs |
Baby Yoda | Baby Shady |
Bagheera | Barbie |
Balfour | Baroness |
Bambam | Beatriz |
Bane | Bellatrix |
Barnes | Betty Boop |
Bart | Bianca |
Bashful | Big Mama |
Baymax | Billie |
Beast | Birdie |
Benji | Blanche |
Bennet | Blossom |
Bertram | Bo Peep |
Bilbo | Bonnie |
Bond | Boo |
Borat | Bovary |
Boromir | Briar Rose |
Bowser | Bridget |
Brain | Brooke |
Brutus | Brown |
Buddy | Bubblegum |
Bullseye | Bubbles |
Buzz | Buffy |
Unusual Dog Names Starting With The Letter B
Not all canine owners want a familiar pet call sign. Finding a unique, original, and less used moniker appeals to those owners who wish to avoid every Bruiser or Buddy at the park coming running when they call. For these owners, we have several unusual yet delightful naming ideas that begin with B.
Male | Female |
Babu | Baldwin |
Badger | Bali |
Bakari | Banita |
Baldo | Banshee |
Balthasar | Barsha |
Bambino | Baruni |
Bandar | Basha |
Banx | Batya |
Bashir | Bebel |
Beaver | Beckah |
Beta | Bellanne |
Birch | Belva |
Bones | Benni |
Booker | Beulah |
Braeden | Bijan |
Brazil | Bindi |
Breccan | Biscuit |
Breece | Blaise |
Brighton | Blanket |
Brogan | Boheme |
Bronco | Bonsai |
Bucket | Boti |
Bugatti | Branna |
Bungee | Breena |
Famous Names That Start With B For Dogs
The world is full of amazing people who impact our lives in big and small ways. Many of these notable people, from entertainers to athletes and inventors, have titles starting with B. One of these ideas below might be a perfect fit for your pup. Some may be long, so a first or last name or a nickname might work better for everyday use.
Male | Female |
B.B. King | Barbara Streisand |
Babe Ruth | Barry (Halle) |
Bale (Christian) | Bebe Rexha |
Barack Obama | Bella Hadid |
Beethoven | Bethany Hamilton |
Ben Barnes | Bette Davis |
Benedict Cumberbatch | Betty White |
Benjamin Franklin | Beverly Cleary |
Bill Burr | Beyonce |
Bill Gates | Biles (Simone) |
Bob Barker | Billie Eilish |
Bob Dylan | Billie Holiday |
Bob Ross | Bjork |
Bobby Brown | Blake Lively |
Bradley Cooper | Blanchett (Cate) |
Bruce Lee | Blige (Mary J.) |
Bruce Willis | Bo Derek |
Bruno Mars | Bonnie Raitt |
Butler (Gerard) | Britney Spears |
Buzz Aldrin | Brooke Shields |
Dog Naming Trends

Pet naming trends are exciting to look at. They are also a beneficial tool you can use to learn more about what other people call their pets. Even looking at baby naming trends can be constructive. Trends can help get the brainstorming process started. For owners who want a unique pet call sign, trends are a way to know what ideas to avoid. One thing to remember about trends is that they change quickly. While many national lists come out yearly, there are local trends that can vary from place to place.
Naming trends often change depending on geographical location or interest group. For example, characters from big entertainment franchises like Star Wars, Harry Potter, or Marvel can rise in popularity and interest whenever a new film, show, or book gets released. Trends can follow things happening in culture, socially, on social media, in fashion, or simply what is popular in a particular area at a specific time.
Remember that trends change quickly. Most trends are popular for a short time, but some will stick around longer. Make sure that any idea you are considering from a trend is appropriate, not offensive, and is something that you will like, and that fits your pet. While trends may change quickly, your pet will be around for a long time. They deserve a title that can stand the test of time.
Dog Naming Tips
Naming a new pet can be fun and exciting but can also be very stressful for some owners. There were a few things to consider for this perfect puppy title. You want to think about what kind of naming theme you want. What kind of message does it send? Is this designation going to be unique? Is it something that has special meaning to you, or just something you like the sound of? Do you want an unusual idea or one that is easy for everyone to say?
Remember that this is the single most important word you will use to communicate with your pups throughout their lives. While that is a lot of pressure, it also means that this is a process owners want to take their time with.
Keep The Following Pet Naming Tips In Mind
- Consider your puppy’s breed, age, size, color, appearance, and personality.
- Spend some time with your new puppy before making a final selection. While the naming process is fun, and owners can pick out several ideas they like, it comes down to meeting a puppy first, getting to know them, and then seeing which of your ideas fits them best.
- Canines respond better to shorter, one and two-syllable words. Anything longer than that tends to get jumbled and lost in the background noise. When selecting a name, it is wise to stick with simple ideas. If you do fall in love with a longer title, pick a shortened version for everyday use with your pup.
- Dogs respond to hard consonant sounds better than others. Picking a word that starts with one of these more distinguishable sounds will be easier for them to learn. Double-syllable words also have a sound that canines can pick out of other noises easily.
- Words that end in vowels tend to get more responses from dogs. That is attributed to the change in tone and pitch owners make when saying vowel sounds. Canines hear that change more profoundly than other words.
- Avoid any words that sound like common commands. It will simply confuse your pup. Along with avoiding common commands, it is also wise to avoid words that sound similar to other pets or people in the home. Using similar-sounding words will only cause chaos and confusion among both humans and canines.
- Remember nicknames. We often call our pets by fun “pet” names and nicknames. Try a few out for every idea you are seriously considering.
- While it is perfectly acceptable to have fun, get a little silly, and be creative with picking out a pet moniker, owners want to ensure they stay appropriate. Research the term you pick to ensure it has no negative connotations or interpretations. Try saying the word out loud a few times, go in the backyard, and yell it out. It might not be a good moniker for your pet if you are uncomfortable saying a word outside publicly.
- Remember, other people like veterinarians, vet techs, groomers, dog walkers, and pet sitters must use this name. Picking something inappropriate can cast a negative light on both an owner and a pup.
- If selecting an idea from another country, language, or culture like Japan, Germany, Ireland, or Mexico, it is essential to research the culture first to ensure you understand what that term means and what people will think when they hear it. While it is always necessary to stay appropriate, it is even more important to do so when borrowing an idea from another culture.
- Pet owners often pick designations with a deeper, more significant meaning. Perhaps it is the name of a previous pet, a beloved family member, a treasured friend, or an attribute to a special place. Naming our pets after things with a deeper meaning is a beautiful way to honor special and sentimental things. However, it is unfair and unrealistic to expect any animal to be able to recognize a more profound sentiment a name represents. They will understand that this word is important but will not understand what it means on the same level humans will.
- Teaching a puppy a new name is a process. There will be learning and growing on both the owner’s and the pet’s sides. Teaching a new puppy a name is much easier than changing an older pup’s name. That process takes much longer and needs to be approached differently. Stay positive with both adults and puppies and offer plenty of rewards, like tasty treats, when pups respond to their names.
The last thing to remember is that picking out a new name for a puppy does not need to be a stressful or aggravating time. The more stressed an owner is, the more challenging time a pup has learning something new. Sometimes, owners must try a few different selections before the right one fits. That perfect name may not be what you started out with, but things will work out in the end.
Do You Still Need Puppy Naming Ideas?
Picking a specific letter to find a pup’s name is a wonderful way to narrow your search. It is also a fun way to name all your pets in a theme by sticking to certain letters, like B. We love B names and know that there are plenty more ideas we did not mention. If you still need some naming ideas, check out our articles on Anime dog names, Badass dog names, and even naming ideas based on coat color, such as black and brown. We also cover breed-specific ideas for Great Danes, Border Collies, Bernese Mountain Dogs, Chihuahuas, Poodles, and many other breeds. Do you have a favorite B name or other name for dogs? We would love to hear it in the comments below.
Why Trust Canine Journal?
Danielle is a dedicated pet owner with over 30 years of experience. She loves researching and sharing pet name ideas. She has raised many different dog breeds, from very small five-pound Chihuahuas to 85-pound Labrador Retrievers. Most of Danielle’s pets have been rescues or strays, and she continues to support animals in need. She believes all animals are special and deserve to have a high-quality life in a safe home. Danielle is a dedicated researcher who spends countless hours reviewing the latest research and data in pet care, health, and products. She is devoted to bringing our readers the most current, up-to-date, and helpful information.