Posted on: November 7, 2024 Posted by: Petsynse Comments: 0

Black dog with illness laying next to pill bottles on a dog bed.
Image credit: Cat Hammond, Shutterstock

When a dog visits the vet because they’re unwell, they’ll probably be prescribed medication. As a pet parent, it might feel stressful when your dog needs medication – whether you struggle to give your dog tablets, your dog has experienced side effects from medication before, or you don’t quite understand what the medication is that your dog has been prescribed and why they need it.

Of course, it’s important to trust your veterinarian’s judgment – they’ll have the knowledge and experience to choose the best medication for your canine companion and be happy to answer any questions you have. In the meantime, let’s find out about enrofloxacin – what it’s used for, how it’s given, and any side effects that you should look out for.

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What Is Enrofloxacin For Dogs?

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Enrofloxacin belongs to a group of antibiotics known as fluoroquinolones. It has the trade name Baytril and is available as an oral liquid, tablet, ear drop, and injection.

As part of the responsible use of antibiotics, the use of any antibiotic should ideally be based on culture or evidence of a susceptible bacteria.

This is particularly important for fluoroquinolones, which should never be used first-line. Their their use is reserved for persistent infections where bacterial culture and sensitivity testing confirm that the bacteria is sensitive to Baytril and that it’s resistant to other first-line choices.

What Is Enrofloxacin Used For In Dogs?

Enrofloxacin is often used to treat ear infections, especially if the infection is caused by a type of bacteria called Pseudomonas. It is also licensed to treat infections of the gastrointestinal tract, airways, urinary tract, and skin, as well as infected wounds. As mentioned, its use is usually based on bacterial culture and sensitivity testing, which involves sending a swab away to the lab, where staff will grow the bacteria and identify them.

Enrofloxacin Side Effects In Dogs

Thankfully, Baytril isn’t associated with many side effects. However, it’s really important not to use it in puppies or young adult dogs who are still growing. This is because enrofloxacin can affect the cartilage development in a growing pup’s joints, causing joint pain or mobility problems in the future. Just like other antibiotics, enrofloxacin can cause an upset stomach in dogs, which might mean your dog goes off their food or has vomiting or diarrhea symptoms.

Is Enrofloxacin Safe For Dogs?

Enrofloxacin is avoided in dogs less than a year old because of the potential impact on their cartilage. However, unlike many veterinary and human medications, it’s safe to give to dogs who are pregnant or lactating, and it’s not known to react with any other medications. This makes it a relatively safe option if your dog needs antibiotics.

Enrofloxacin Dosage For Dogs

Your veterinarian will prescribe the best dose for your individual dog and write it on the dispensing label or prescription. If you have enrofloxacin for dogs but don’t know the dose, you should contact your veterinarian to explain why you feel your dog might need the medication. You should never give your dog any medication that hasn’t been specifically prescribed for them.

My Dog On Enrofloxacin Won’t Eat

If your dog is on Baytril, you might notice your dog is a little off their food. A loss of appetite for dogs on enrofloxacin is reasonably common, and you might notice vomiting or diarrhea, too. Try tempting them to eat something tasty (but healthy and not too rich). If they’re still not interested, or they develop other symptoms or side effects, it’s a good idea to pop back to the veterinary clinic to have the vet to check them over.

Can Enrofloxacin Be Crushed?

If you find giving your dog tablets a bit tricky, you might be tempted to try crushing them and hiding the crushed tablet in something like cheese, pâté, or a treat. Thankfully, crushing your dog’s Baytril tablets won’t cause any problems. However, you should make sure that you give all the remnants of the tablet and use only a small amount of bribery food to ensure they get the full dose.

Follow Your Vet’s Instructions

Enrofloxacin is a very effective antibiotic, so it’s really important that it’s used sparingly and according to your veterinarian’s instructions. This will ensure that it remains effective and bacteria don’t become resistant to it – which would cause human health concerns as well as the veterinary sector. Learn more about other antibiotics to treat ear infections and how to you can save money buying prescriptions online.