The most aggressive of the dogs was captured Tuesday morning and taken to a vet the sheriff said.
BURKEVILLE, Texas — A Newton County woman is recovering after being attacked and bitten by a pack of dogs near Burkeville over the weekend.
The attack happened on Sunday as Shelly Engel was walking along Texas Highway 87 just north of Texas Highway 63 according to Newton County Sheriff Robert Burby. The attack in the northern part of the county near Burkeville.
“There was a lot of dogs, and it was way more than 17,” Engel said. “When I went to the hospital they gave me shots and they cleaned my wounds and bandage them.”
Engel had “numerous injuries” and was taken to Jasper Memorial hospital for treatment Burby told 12News. She has since been released from the hospital and is recovering.
“I was at the hospital for approximately 6 to 8 hours,” Engel said.
All of the dogs are owned by the same person, who has been cited. The most aggressive of the dogs was captured Tuesday morning and taken to a vet according to Sheriff Burby.
“If you own dogs, you need to take responsibility for them and keep them from becoming a burden or from hurting other people,” Burby said.
Engel said the dog have been a problem for months. She claims several people have reported the issue to the sheriff’s office.
“I and several other people have called and there was nothing done,” Engel said.
The sheriff’s office is working with other agencies including the HSPCA to permanently remove the dogs from their owner.
This is a developing story. We will update with more if and when we receive more confirmed information.
GRAPHIC IMAGE WARNING | Newton County woman recovering after being attacked by pack of dogs
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