Many pets get these fatty lumps and bumps as they age. In this new ‘episode’ we’ll be discussing why pets get fat deposits and what you can do to prevent it from happening.
I know, those unsightly lumps and bumps can sometimes be common in some Labrador lines, and are referred to as lipomas. Just like with humans, we carry genetics that do weird things. Most are not cancerous, and are harmless as long as they are not impeding the movement of the dog (such as a foreleg, ie), or near the spine. Most vets are hesitant to take them off and put a dog under anesthesia, but pet parents still find them unsightly and would like a safe, natural alternative. Be sure to have them biopsied to be sure!
I have used this product on my dogs successfully, and admittedly, myself, as it was a human grade product. It got rid of a mass on my back that had been there for 10 years in a WEEK!! I’ve used it on lumps and bumps on one Labrador and it took it away in a month. It gets rid of moles within a week-2 weeks, and skin tags within a week!
Also, since chemo for a dog is next to impossible to find and afford, we have to find safe, cost-effective treatments in this age of exhorbitant vet costs, few vets in practice, and the difficulty of finding specialty vets specializing in oncology.
If your vet has asked you to monitor a lump, take photographs and measure it every couple of weeks. It can also be helpful to make notes about the following:
- Its shape
- Its texture (smooth or knobbly)
- How hard/soft it is
- Whether it’s causing pain or not
- Whether it bleeds or weeps
If the lump changes, book a check-up appointment with your vet.
Measure your dog’s lump(s) every couple of weeks to keep a record
When to contact your vet: Always contact your vet if you find a new lump on your dog, even if it looks harmless.
Consider taking out dog insurance as soon as you bring your dog home, before any signs of illness start. This will give you peace of mind that you have some financial support if they ever become unwell.
“While canine lipomas are frequently associated with overweight females, their greatest risk factor may be genetic. “I’ve heard all kinds of theories,” says Tia Nelson, DVM, of Helena, Montana. “Some veterinarians are convinced that lipomas are the result of over-vaccination, commercial pet food, grain-based diets, and exposure to environmental toxins. Although most dogs with lipomas fit that description, I can show you plenty of lumpy dogs who were holistically raised on grain-free raw food and minimal vaccinations, including some of my own. The simple fact is that some dogs are going to develop lipomas no matter what you do.”—Whole Dog Journal
“In my practice I have been following numerous dogs who are now 6 to 14 years old,” says Judith K. Herman, DVM, of Augusta, Maine. “So far these dogs, all of whom received minimal vaccinations and are fed raw, have not developed any lipomas. Most are Jack Russell Terriers, Belgian Tervurens, Labrador Retrievers, and Golden Retrievers.”
I have personally fed raw, and grain-free for the past 15 years and never had a lipoma on any of my personal Labradors. Maybe its not in my lines…idk! I have not seen one in the almost 40 years I’ve owned Labradors. Maybe I’m lucky? Maybe its environment. You be the judge (and research it!)–Donna