Dog’s name and age: Ema, 2 years
Nicknames: Ema D (D stands for Dilemma)
Adoption story: I wanted to adopt another dog, and Ema’s photo came up. She’s a Border Collie/Shiba Inu mix. The foster family made sure that I already had experience with dogs and a fenced yard. Ema’s original name was Sophie, but I wanted something short and a little different than my other dog Frida. I thought of Amelia Erhart and shortened the name to Ema, which is a perfect fit.
At the time we adopted her, Ema was about 4 months and all legs. Very tiny but all legs, like a little doe. We took her that day for a nice long walk. She loved it. We love her just as much as we have loved all our dogs before her.