Dog’s name and age: Jack, 9 years
Nicknames: Jack-Jack, Jackie Doo, Jackie, The Jackinator
Adoption story: Jack belonged to an elderly woman with dementia who was constantly feeding poor Jack, thinking she was giving him treats. In addition to healthy treats carrots, she was also giving him chocolate. He developed diabetes. I received a call from the woman’s daughter about the problem. They needed to find someone to take Jack once he was released from the hospital. He was suffering from ketoacidosis, a complication of diabetes. We adopted Jack, who at the time was morbidly obese and could barely move. Now, in addition to diabetes, he also suffers from chronic pancreatitis.
Since we’ve adopted him, he loves taking car rides to visit Grandma, playing with toys, and joining me at work. As a psychotherapist, Jack provides comfort to my patients, and he enjoys the attention too.