Dog’s name and age: Lulu, 3 years
Nicknames: Lulu Magoo
Adoption story: Lulu was attacked by a larger dog in Mexico and almost lost her leg. She was brought to a U.S. shelter to heal. When we heard her story and saw she had such a good disposition, we had to give her a forever home. We introduced her to our home with two larger dogs, and their presence has helped Lulu get over her fear of large dogs.
Lulu loves belly rubs the most. She will roll over when she greets you, when you’re walking to the kitchen, when your working in the yard, or on the phone. It doesn’t matter where she’s at—she’ll always roll over for a belly rub. Lulu loves wrestling with her big brother. She likes to throw her dog toy up in the air and chase. But she hates the under the covers bed monster!