Find out which one it is and what the other minerals do as well
Last week I started our mineral adventure, and today my plan is to finish it. In order to help you remember their function, I likened minerals to “people types” and I will continue the same way today.
Here is PART 2 of Minerals

Manganese: The vitamin courier
In the past few years, we all have become accustomed to online shopping and grocery deliveries, but the transportation of vitamins within the body is the specialty of manganese. It enables vitamin and nutrient absorption, and transport from the gut into the body.
Manganese also plays an important role in bone health, fatty acid and cholesterol metabolism too, which means that manganese indirectly promotes vascular and cardiac health.
Similar to some of the other minerals, manganese is also a multitasker by supporting thyroid function, sugar level balance, nerve health and combating free radical damage.
Dogs who are deficient in manganese can present with a whole slew of problems:
Pretty wild, isn’t it? It’s surprising that most veterinary clinics do not offer mineral hair testing for dogs, considering the consequences if minerals are lacking.

Chromium: The best friend
The reason why I chose this association is simple, chromium plays a key role in insulin production and sugar metabolism, as well as maintaining healthy cholesterol levels.
But not all forms of chromium “play nice.” Chromium found in food is good, and the form found in industrial pollution is toxic. If your dog’s hair test shows high levels of chromium in the body, check if there is an industrial pollution source in your area, as food usually doesn’t generate any excess.
Also, if you or your dog suffer from diabetes, it may be a good idea to check chromium levels.

Selenium: The one that can be a little “too much”
We have all been there when a friend or a stranger is a little “too much”. Selenium is needed in your dog’s diet daily, but only in very small amounts, and it plays the following roles within the body:
An excess of selenium may result in vomiting, nail growth disorders, hair loss, fatigue, aggression and foul breath.
If your dog has higher than normal selenium on their HairQ Test results, read their supplement labels and consider switching them over to natural food based supplements.

Cobalt: The one trick pony
In the body, cobalt is part of vitamin B12 – cyanocobalamin. If your dog’s hair test shows low cobalt, which is quite common, it may mean two things. There is a lack of cobalt in your dog’s diet and/or their digestive tract is weak, especially when it comes to low stomach acids in aging people and animals. In such cases, it is a good idea to supplement Vitamin B12 in fermented form.
Cobalt is part of cobalamin, which most people know as vitamin B12. A deficiency of vitamin B12 can cause nerve dysfunction and anemia.
Cobalt is an ultratrace element, meaning that only very small amounts of this mineral are required. Unfortunately, deficiency is still relatively common in dogs, and this is why I have added vitamin B12 to SoulFood (certified organic fermented multivitamin).
Deficiency may cause:

Sulphur: The easy-going one
Perhaps sulphur is judged unfairly for its not so appealing smell. It is the element that is vital to your dog’s healthy skin, coat, and nails, and especially their strength. It could be seen as the “glue” of the connective tissue, and it is also found in chondroitin and collagen, the two components that make skin soft and elastic, and joints smooth and functioning. It is also a part of some enzymes.
Deficiencies and excesses are not very common. In other words, if sulphur were human it would be pretty easy-going!

I am sure you know people who seem to be everywhere you go, they are busy, full of energy, multi-passionate entrepreneurs or socialites who have their hands in everything! Phosphorus is exactly like that, and that is why I have left it for last.
Phosphorus ensures healthy cell development and it also helps store energy in the form of ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) when it is released from food. ATP is then used to power the cells of every tissue and organ.
But as if that were not enough, phosphorus also participates in the growth process. It is often unfairly blamed by kibble manufacturers for bone deformities and fast growth. However, phosphorus isn’t to blame, but rather the super calorie-dense dehydrated unnatural form of food, kibble, is responsible for problems in growing puppies.
If you feed your dog fresh or cooked meat, vegetables, raw bones, and a full spectrum mineral supplement such as GreenMin (to ensure a balanced mineral profile), you will be able to prevent most growth related issues, such as elbow and hip dysplasia, growing pains, and osteochondritis.
And that is all for today! Once again, if you didn’t get a chance to read PART 1 on minerals, click here to make yourself a well educated doggy mom or dad. I also trust that it is now clear why I am in love with GreenMin.
If I had to choose just one supplement for Pax
Or maybe you just want to read what other peoples’ experiences with GreenMin have been in their dogs.
Take care, and give your dog a hug for me! 🐶