Posted on: August 11, 2021 Posted by: Petsynse Comments: 0

Neglected dogs find new homes | News | – Fauquier Times

On the afternoon of May 2, just a few minutes before closing time, a man pulled up to the Fauquier SPCA with a pair of sickly, emaciated dogs in the back of his truck. The dogs, he said, were strays that had been going through his trash. Alex Vacek, the shelter manager, said she was horrified by what she saw. The two dogs, a hound and a boxer, were dangerously…

Posted on: August 10, 2021 Posted by: Petsynse Comments: 0

What to Do if You See Coyotes While Walking Your Dog

Have you ever seen what you thought was a lost dog but, upon closer inspection, turned out to be a coyote? Coyotes are often encountered by those near wildlife reserves, forests, or farms—but that’s now changing. Now more than ever, we must be aware of their increasing co-existence among humans in urban areas when walking alone or with our pets. However, it is important how we choose to coexist as…

Posted on: August 10, 2021 Posted by: Petsynse Comments: 0

Canine behaviorists agree that when it comes to dominance, dog don’t try to compete with people – The Washington Post

Whatever their disagreements about the particulars of these issues, none of the researchers I spoke to said that any of this should be taken to mean that dogs, as a species, want to dominate humans. Serpell suggested that this idea derives from a “semantic problem to do with confusing ‘dominance,’ which is about relationships, with ‘dominant,’ which is a behavior — in other words, behaving in a dominant way.” He…

Posted on: August 9, 2021 Posted by: Petsynse Comments: 0

Dogs with a cause | Local – Ashland Daily Press

Four years ago the AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary held a fundraiser for the organization Paws With A Cause and at that time President Dolores Gradinjan put it on her bucket list to visit Paws With A Cause in Wayland, Mich., near Grand Rapids. On July 13, Gradinjan scheduled a visit to take a tour of the organization. Paws With a Cause is a national non-profit that trains assistance dogs for people…

Posted on: August 9, 2021 Posted by: Petsynse Comments: 0

Can dogs eat calamari? | The concerns of feeding your dog calamari

Calamari is a sort of consumable fish produced using squid (a delicate-bodied mollusk). Eaten in numerous nations all throughout the planet, it’s pre-arranged crude, steamed, heated, barbecued, or, as North Americans most regularly eat it – seared. At the point when it’s not battered or singed, it’s an incredible wellspring of protein that is low in fat, making it a famous expansion to numerous heavenly ‘individuals food’ dishes. Some canine…

Posted on: August 9, 2021 Posted by: Petsynse Comments: 0

Trupanion vs Figo Pet Insurance: Which One Will Fit Into Your Budget?

To sustain this free service, we receive affiliate commissions via some of our links. This doesn’t affect rankings. Our review process. Trupanion is one of the most popular pet insurance providers and is commonly recommended by veterinarians. Figo is frequently looked at as a more affordable alternative. Both Trupanion and Figo offer excellent pet insurance coverage. But does one cover more than the other? And how do they compare regarding…

Posted on: August 9, 2021 Posted by: Petsynse Comments: 0

The Doggone Truth About Too Many Dogs

With over 3 million dogs entering U.S. animal shelters every year, there’s never been a better time to help our furry companions. Stray dog sightings can be a typical sight in my community, and this was actually how I found my own dog. I found him wandering the neighborhood as a stray, later discovering that he was dumped a few weeks prior after his owners decided they no longer wanted…

Posted on: August 8, 2021 Posted by: Petsynse Comments: 0

Meet Melody

Dog’s name and age:  Melody, 4 years Adoption Story: Melody is a rescue from Wigglin Home Boxer Rescue. She was born with Spina Bifida and is a bilateral rear leg amputee. We fostered then adopted her because special needs pups are hard to place in forever homes. Melody’s spunk, zest for life, and affection won us over.

Posted on: August 7, 2021 Posted by: Petsynse Comments: 0

What does the word “OVER-BRED” mean??????

If I had a dollar for every time I heard a pet parent use the word “over-bred” I’d be a millionaire. Seriously–I hear it from pet owners, veterinarians, groomers, rescue parents, and from people who, generally, don’t understand what this really means—NOR WHAT THEY ARE IMPLYING WHEN THEY SAY IT. Here’s some possible misconceptions about this phrase/word’s meaning: *”It means that breeders interfered too much in the breeding of retriever…

Posted on: August 7, 2021 Posted by: Petsynse Comments: 0

The worst 18 hours of Pax’s and my life

How we lost Pax in the wilderness. What should dog lover do before a hike. Usually I know how to begin, however today I am having a hard time finding my words. Perhaps I should step back and let Pax share his side of the most scary 18 hours of my life, and tell you all about how he survived being lost in the high Alps on the coldest, rainiest…