Posted on: May 3, 2021 Posted by: Petsynse Comments: 0

Turtle Dogs Fielded by the St. Louis Zoo’s Box Turtle Project

Noses to the ground, seven Boykin Spaniels range across open grassland and into a forest of oak and hickory trees. They’re followed by a rangy guy in an orange high-viz vest and a pack of researchers in green vests. As one of the dogs nears a find—in this case, a three-toed box turtle—her tail begins wagging wildly. Once she locates the turtle, she carefully picks it up in her mouth, then…

Posted on: April 24, 2021 Posted by: Petsynse Comments: 0

Why dog poop bags are a serious problem

Bag or Flick? If you wonder why I have decided to write about dog poop today, here is the story. It all began with cleaning up the kitchen after dinner, and putting the table scraps into the compost bin. There were a few lettuce leaves and veggie leftovers in the sink, and I just couldn’t bring myself to push them into the garbage disposal (garburator, for my fellow Canadians). Over…

Posted on: April 22, 2021 Posted by: Petsynse Comments: 0

All-natural homemade dog treat recipe

Your dog will LOOOVE these and Pax does too!  🐶😋🦴 Ingredients: 2 pounds extra-lean ground beef 2 cups cooked quinoa 2 large cloves of garlic minced or crushed 2 tablespoons tamari  Directions:  Mix and spread thinly on parchment paper Dehydrate in a dehydrator or oven – I dehydrate at 170F – It takes about 24 hours. Break up into pieces and store in the fridge for use in the next…

Posted on: April 22, 2021 Posted by: Petsynse Comments: 0

Your dog may be your mirror

An update on the human product line Before I start writing about dogs being our mirrors, I have one “pre-announcement.” Very soon, sometime in March or April, my team and I will be launching our human supplement line! It is not available yet, but you can expect to see SoulFood, GreenMin, FeelGood Omega and NMN to be the first four products in the human line-up. If you are wondering why we are…

Posted on: April 17, 2021 Posted by: Petsynse Comments: 0

Can dogs eat raw chicken breast?

Raw food as chicken satisfies the prerequisite of proteins in canines. Could canines eat unrefined chicken securely? Indeed, canines love to have a raw chicken treats. It is the most ideal approach to scour their teeth also. In this article, you will come to think about methods of giving crude chicken breast to canines for certain rules. Can dogs eat Raw chicken breast? Chicken is a solid protein source which…

Posted on: April 15, 2021 Posted by: Petsynse Comments: 0

Urinary Incontinence in Dogs

NATURAL SOLUTIONS TO A DOG’S LEAKY BLADDER If you have a dog with a leaky bladder, or urinary incontinence, you know how frustrating this problem is for you and your dog. Dogs are quite fastidious and get very embarrassed when they have an accident. Also no one enjoys cleaning carpets and floors or having their house smell like pee. It may surprise you that there are a number of common causes…

Posted on: April 15, 2021 Posted by: Petsynse Comments: 0

Introducing my new podcast: Not Just About Dogs

Are we enslaved by the ‘big three’? For the past decade, you and I, and almost everyone I know, have been unknowingly helping the ‘big three’ Google, Facebook, and Amazon, become the largest and richest companies in the world. Over time, these companies have switched from being progressive and grateful, to arrogant and controlling and we, the content creators, have become the “ants” who work for free creating valuable content…

Posted on: April 12, 2021 Posted by: Petsynse Comments: 0

Even Puppies Get the Point

Dogs’ ability to understand us and to respond to our attempts to communicate with them has long been considered a fundamental part of the close relationship we share. More than two decades ago, researchers first provided evidence that dogs can follow human pointing gestures. Many studies have since shown that when humans point at one of a pair of identical objects to indicate the location of food, dogs respond by…

Posted on: April 12, 2021 Posted by: Petsynse Comments: 0

How many supplements are too many for your dog?

A complete guide to natural supplements for dogs Are you confused about which supplements dogs need? Do you find conflicting information? Would you like to know what to give your dog without giving too little or too much? I understand your pain. People often contact me because they are not sure what their dog needs. Some believe that good food is enough and others have their kitchen counter taken over…

Posted on: April 10, 2021 Posted by: Petsynse Comments: 0

A dog utopia like no other

A story of dog Utopia Ready for two provoking and thought inviting topics?! You are at the right place. The first one is freeeeedom! You know the thing that we used to be entitled to according to the charter of rights.😉 The second topic is about whether or not we should let our dogs sleep in our beds. How dare I even think of our bacteria ridden filthy dogs being in bed.…