If your dog has a pink nose, you may want to slap some sunscreen on it. Dogs with no fur, white fur or thinning fur also run the risk of getting sunburned, says a local veterinarian.
“I’ve seen a lot of dog sunburns,” said Dr. Ashley Brooks, a Williamson County veterinarian. “I don’t think people realize it’s kind of a common thing.”
She said she has mostly seen white pit bulls with sunburned pink noses.
The sunscreen that people need to use for their dogs has to have nontoxic ingredients that are ingestible because dogs tend to lick their noses, said Brooks. There are sunscreens made especially for dogs.
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Children’s sunscreen with no fragrance can be safe for dogs, Brooks said. Ingredients in sunscreen that are poisonous for dogs include zinc and para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA), according to the American Kennel Club.
Brooks said to avoid a canine sunburn, keep your dog out of sunlight when the rays are the most intense between 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Dogs also can get skin cancer from sunburns, said Dr. Patrick Nichols, an Austin veterinarian.
A sunburn in dogs is called canine solar dermatitis and, unfortunately, is a common dermatologic disorder in hot, sunny climates, said Nichols. “Left untreated, irreversible damage or sun-induced skin cancers can develop. … Initial signs are scaly lesions, which may be tender.”
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A dog may need to be taken to the veterinarian to be treated with steroids or other medications if it has a bad sunscreen, said Brooks. Ice won’t help a dog’s sunburn and sometimes it’s better to just let a minor sunburn heal on its own, she said.
Rhonda Minardi, the owner of a sanctuary for elderly dogs in Bertram, said she regularly puts sunscreen on the nose of a dalmatian named Ashanti at the retreat because the dog has pale skin. She also puts sunscreen and a vest that cools dogs on a husky named Tommy, she said.
“I use the baby sunscreen that I use for my grandkids,” Minardi said. “It’s hypoallergenic and it’s nontoxic. The dogs don’t really pay any mind to it and I don’t think it has a flavor or a smell.”
She said she takes the dogs for walks in the early morning before the sunlight gets intense.
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Dog owners also need to be cautious about their pets overheating during the summer, veterinarians say. Some of the symptoms of heat-related illnesses include decreased activity and alertness, increased panting and excessive drooling. If owners see any of these sign they should contact a veterinarian.
Breeds that are more susceptible to heatstroke include bulldogs, Akitas and huskies.
Other ways to keep dogs safe during summer heat include avoiding scorching pavement that could burn their paws.
“The darker the pavement, the more that the sun is going to heat it up,” said Dr. Douglas Kratt, president of the American Veterinary Medical Association. A good way to see how bearable pavement is for pet owners to lay the back of their hands on it, Kratt said.
Some dogs won’t give away the pain they are feeling, he said, as they may just be trying to be “good boys.”
Owners also need to watch out for fleas and ticks in the summer. especially since pets can develop illnesses from ticks including Lyme disease, according to PetCareRx.
This article contains information from Jordan Mendoza of USA Today.
Dog tips for summer
14 tips for taking care of dogs in hot weather
1. Do walk your dog before or shortly after sunrise or long after sunset, when temperatures dip into “tolerable.”
2. Don’t walk your dog right after you finish work at 5 p.m. just because it’s convenient. In summer, the hottest part of the day is typically 2-6 p.m.
3. Do test the pavement with your hand. Uncomfortably hot, perhaps even burning? Your dog will feel the same.
4. Don’t believe that a dog’s pads are impervious to the heat. The fatty tissue provides some insulation, but it conducts heat more quickly than cold.
5. Do keep your dog inside as much as possible during the day. Too much time outdoors can lead to everything from sunburn to dehydration, if not heat exhaustion.
6. Don’t leave him outside because you know how much he loves the backyard. As soon as you’re gone, all those signs you perceive as happiness (jumping, tail-wagging) will disappear as he searches for a cool place to lay down.
7. Do provide shade and plenty of water if you must leave your dog outside. Consider a half-full wading pool in the shade, changing the water each day.
8. Don’t assume a tree or bush provides enough shade, or that a metal bowl left in the sun will hold a day’s worth of water.
9. Do be mindful when hiking with your dog. Bring canine-friendly snacks, plenty of water and a bowl.
10. Don’t think that just because you can hike up Camelback Mountain in the heat of the day, your dog can make it too. Dogs will follow you to the ends of the Earth. That’s one reason why Phoenix closes its trails to dogs when temps hit 100 degrees.
11. Do know the signs of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Watch for panting, rapid heart beat, muscle tremors, a wobbly walk and more.
12. Don’t ignore these signs. Heat stroke can be fatal.
13. Do leave your dog home while running errands.
14. Don’t take your dog along because you’re sure he’ll be fine in the car for a minute or two when you duck into the store. Temperatures rise quickly in the oven that is a parked car, and cracking a window doesn’t help. Do not leave a child or a dog or any living, breathing thing in a car. Ever.