Pistachios are not considered to be a healthy treat for dogs. This is because it is rich in fat. Fat can cause liver damage in your dogs. Similarly, pistachio shells can result in choking hazards which can be fatal for your pet. Nuts tend to provoke various stomach issues that end up in different digestive problems later.
Apart from a large number of fats, by feeding pistachios, you are providing your dog with the following micronutrients such as:
- Beta carotene:
It is well known because of its Antioxidation properties. It improves the health of your dog’s skin and enhances his immunity.
- Vitamin E:
It works wonders with vitamin A and beta carotene. It helps to bring goodness to the skin along with some antioxidant properties. Vitamin E also boosts your dog’s immunity.
- Copper:
Copper is said to play an important role to generate red blood cells within the body of the dog. Moreover, it helps to maintain the function of nerve cells.
- Calcium:
It is the biggest source to strengthen the bones along with muscle contraction.
- Iron:
It is a very component in the formation of hemoglobin, which is responsible to carry oxygen to the different tissues of the body and removes carbon dioxide.
- Selenium:
This is also an antioxidant.
Are pistachios dangerous for dogs?
Pistachios are not toxic to your dog. However, pistachio shells can stick in your dog’s digestive tract which will eventually cause an emergency condition.
Moreover, pistachios that are kept outside for some time, develop some kind of a mold named tremorgenic mycotoxins. The later can provoke various neurological problems. Some are mentioned below:
- Hyperthermia
- Salivation
- Ataxia
- Vomiting
- Fasciculation
- Tremors
- Seizures
Apart from this, pistachios also contain 56 grams of fat which is very high than the standard amount of 14 grams of fat taken by an average 30-33 pounds dog. Besides, it can cause obesity and pancreatitis over time.
Are pistachios beneficial for dogs?
Pistachios have few important nutrients which are a requirement of your dog’s body. They include:
- Manganese is essential to digest protein and carbohydrates.
- Vitamin B6 which aid in the synthesis of protein and absorbs protein and fat too.
- Vitamin K helps in the clotting of blood.
- Thiamine is important for brain functioning and growth in dogs.
Can dogs eat shelled pistachios?
As we now know that dogs can eat pistachio nuts in moderation and supervision. However, the shells are not good for your pet. It can cause choking hazards and stomach issues as they are indigestible. Since the shells are very hard they can damage the tissues in the digestive tract causing discomfort. In some cases, nutshells are poisonous so as a whole you should avoid lending pistachios shells to your dog. Whenever you want to feed your dog with pistachios, always remove the shells and let him enjoy the treat more safely.
Can I give salted pistachios to my dog?
As we all are aware of the fact that salt is not good for our health. Similarly, it has some negative impacts on the dog’s health. It is a fact that salted pistachios seem tastier than plain ones, but on the contrary that is bad for your dog’s health. So, avoid feeding your dog with salted pistachios.
How can I serve pistachios to my dog?
There are different ways to serve pistachios to your pet. You can serve raw as well but without shells and salt. Some of the other recipes are as follows:
- Pistachio butter:
It is a good treat for your pup. It hardly takes 20 minutes and requires 4 ingredients only. Firstly, roast the nuts. This makes it easier to process. Blend the nuts well in the processor to make a slimy mixture. You can add a little honey if you want to make it slightly sweet or a bit of salt. Add a little oil so that it spreads easily. Your pistachio butter is ready to be served.
- Pistachio biscuits:
This is another wonderful treat for your dog. Take ¼ cup of shredded coconut and pistachios. Half a cup of baking soda, milk, and peanut butter along with 1 cup of flour. 1 tablespoon olive oil. Now first add all dry ingredients in a bowl and mix the wet ingredients in it, gradually mixing it properly. Knead it. Cut cookies using a cookie cutter and bake it at 350 degrees for 20 minutes.
Reasons I Shouldn’t Feed My Dog Pistachios
Pistachios are a delightful snack, but they also have some drawbacks. Pistachios include several ingredients in quantities that are harmful to dogs. To name a few, dogs should not consume pistachios for the following reasons:
Greater Salt Content
Snacks made of pistachios frequently contain salt and other seasonings. There is nothing to worry about if dogs occasionally eat some pistachios. Pistachio eating, however, might result in salt poisoning if done frequently.
Dogs should not consume too much salt. The body tends to retain more water when there is too much salt, making present, which makes renal disorders more likely to develop in dogs. Additionally, too much salt can cause tremors, diarrhea, frequent thirst, and vomiting.
Content High in Fat
Pistachios have a lot of calories and fat, much like all other nuts. It’s not necessarily awful to be fat. When there is an abundance of fat, a problem arises. Pistachio consumption in excess can cause dogs to become obese because of the nuts’ excessive fat content.
Pistachio Nuts Can Cause Dogs to Choke
Dogs don’t typically chew their food before swallowing, according to observation. Because the pistachio is a nut, there is danger. Pistachios are quite large, hard, and irregularly shaped. Dogs may suffocate if they consume pistachios that still have their shells on.
Additionally, the brittle walls of the digestive tract might be hurt by the rough edges of the shells. Similar to how shell fragments can pierce the esophagus and stomach.
How many pistachios are too many for my dog?
None. There’s nothing wrong if your dogs consume pistachios in very small amounts, but you shouldn’t give them to them on purpose. Pistachios can cause gastrointestinal irritation, obesity, and pancreatitis in dogs since they are not digested by canines in the same manner that nuts are.
How Do You Treat Your Dog If He Eats Too Many Pistachios?
What should you do if you discover that your dog ate too many pistachios? Or perhaps there are symptoms of pistachio poisoning? The foremost action will be to rush toward the vet.
If you suspect your dog has consumed too many of these nuts, there are a few things to keep an eye out for. The nuts shelled? The dog consumed how much food? Pistachio nuts that have been shelled might cause choking.
If you suspect your dog has consumed too many of these nuts, there are a few things to keep an eye out for. The nuts shelled? The dog consumed how much food? Eating pistachio nuts that have been shelled can cause choking and intestinal blockage. Antitoxin poisoning can strike dogs who consume too many pistachio nuts.
Depending on your dog’s condition, your veterinarian will decide what kind of medical care to provide him. For instance, the veterinarian can give your dog IV fluids if the issue is dehydration and excessive thirst. More specialized therapies are needed for severe conditions, including pancreatitis and antitoxin poisoning. So, instead of attempting anything alone, take your dog to the veterinarian.
What is pistachio poisoning?
It is a medical condition in which your pet undergoes various conditions. Some are mentioned below:
- Jaundice
- Loss of appetite
- Abnormal urine coloration
- Fatigue
- Liver failure
- Vomiting
Aspergillus molds are toxic which causes Aflatoxins. These effects negatively damage the liver of the dog. One more danger of too many pistachios is phosphorous and urushiol. If your dog has a lot of Phosphorous in his body, this can lead to developing stones in the bladder. In some cases, the bladder can burst if not treated timely. Which by the time can be very painful, Urushiol is a chemical that is more likely to produce allergy reactions in your dog resulting in restlessness like rashes or respiratory problems. Pancreatitis, which is very painful for the dog.
Diagnosis of pistachio poisoning in a dog:
The veterinarian might check the following things:
- the food is eaten last
- if there is any medical history
- complete blood count
- physical examination, depending on the condition the vet may ask for an ultrasound or a city scan
Though nuts are beneficial for health, but only when fed in moderation. Pistachios are not toxic for dogs, and they are very healthy. However, the shells are poisonous and have adverse effects on the dog. The hard shells if ingested can cause choking hazards and other digestive tract complications, rupturing the sensitive tissues. It will be good if you replace this treat with carrots or watermelons, which are healthier for your pet dog. It is recommended that if you witness any of the signs such as vomiting, orange urine, or paleness quickly visit the veterinarian who will examine the pet and advise accordingly.