Man’s best friend is living the good life in Louisiana!
Ahead of National Dog Day on Aug. 26, Embark, a dog DNA company, conducted a study of more than 190,000 pet owners in all 50 states to evaluate the state of dog care across the country. Louisiana ranked first and second in two categories.
The study ranked the health of four-legged friends in 22 different areas.
Louisiana ranked 12th in overall dog care — including dog health, integration into the family and training-related behavior.
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The state ranked No. 1 in flea and tick prevention and No. 2 for dogs reported to be in “good” or “excellent” health, with Idaho ranking above.
The state with the highest overall dog health is Massachusetts.
WaTeasa Freeman by email wfreeman@theadvertiser.com, Twitter @wateasaf TikTok @theadvertisereats