Posted on: May 9, 2021 Posted by: Petsynse Comments: 0

Dog’s Name and Age: Sparky, 3 years

Nicknames: Spartacus

Adoption Story: Sparky was born at Animal Defense League. One of my clients adopted him but quickly realized she couldn’t handle his energy. She asked if I could find him a home as she knew I was an animal lover. I already had two big dogs so began the search. A couple came to my home to come look at him, Sparky wouldn’t go to them and kept jumping back in my lap. It’s history from there. I fell in love with his spunky and adventurous personality.

Sparky loves agility class which helps expend his energy. He enjoys hiking and loves going everywhere with me, especially Starbucks puppuccino runs. His favorite place is Petco because they love him there and he gets lots of treats.

He is just one smart cookie. I cherish his high energy and he has pushed me to go outside my comfort levels and experience new things. He is my consummate companion and sidekick. I’m better because of him.